Example sentences of "had to work " in BNC.

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1 I knew Oscar would have preferred a quieter , less raucous venture , on a weekday perhaps , but I had to work on certain days and those days came up during his visit .
2 There were not enough classrooms and staff had to work in overcrowded conditions .
3 However , Del Harris , the No. 1 , returning to action after a month out , had to work hard to avoid going the full distance with Sami Elopuro before winning 9-5 , 9-2 , 2-9 , 9-7 .
4 He had to work hard .
5 As the band 's agent in this case , I had to work with the record company to circumvent the rigid Radio I Top 40 format .
6 Distantly she remembered that she had never understood the art of it , had to work on it , conscious and struggling all the time .
7 India and Pakistan , but he had to work in each case through the chief executive who was charged with running the business .
8 The drivers of the all-conquering Silver Arrows had to work very , very hard to overcome these challenges but the race was decided by an extraordinary series of mishaps that befell this normally super-slick team .
9 On the first lap , the Italian veteran was edged into fifth place by Jean Alesi 's Ferrari and , for the next 30 minutes , he had to work hard to win the place back .
10 When my own daughter was born I was a single parent , and had to work to pay the bills , so I missed the best years of her childhood .
11 She had to work night and day and survive on two hours ' sleep .
12 In poor light and on a tricky pitch , West Indies , put in by Botham , had to work hard to reach 198 , with 78 from Greenidge the major contribution and Old 's figures being a remarkable 11-4-12-2 .
13 ‘ I had to work my way through medical school , ’ he told her .
14 We were a one-parent family , and as I had to work full-time , I felt that a dog would only add to my problems .
15 Both started young and had to work through a range of personal problems and private defeats .
16 Mandarin 's jockey Fred Winter , four times champion , was no stranger to Auteuil yet still had to work hard at memorizing the peculiar configurations of the course .
17 ‘ I suppose I had to work quite hard myself when I was younger .
18 We had to work out a short monologue in the voice of a character , and then afterwards we sat around and were asked who would volunteer to stand up and read their piece .
19 As it was , however , the administration had taken over responsibility for this war ; and it had to work with what it had , making a just cause as best it could .
20 So he left a very deep impression on me ; it was something I knew I had to work towards in the years ahead .
21 We had to work on it a great deal .
22 You presumably had to work on the orchestra section by section .
23 To achieve it he had to work on individuals , exploiting relationships which were not open , public ones : he could not have called a meeting to appeal to everyone 's obligations as a relative by descent and by marriage , as if these were of the same kind as those of a citizen , an Arab or a Muslim .
24 His father 's business suffered during the Great Depression , and young Sam had to work his way through Missouri University by delivering newspapers .
25 Taken as a whole , the 1950s can be seen as a decade in which everyone had to work very hard just to keep the District on an even keel : it reflects great credit on all concerned that , in statistical terms , the decline of the early fifties was halted so that ultimately an expansionist phase could begin .
26 I had to work a bit to keep up with him — the path is not as straight as the road ; also I had to be careful not to make a noise .
27 Roberts ' student days coincided with the depression and to finance his studies he had to work at night and on Saturdays in a bakery store .
28 The conditions under which signalmen had to work can only be imagined .
29 Peasants were enticed away from subsistence agriculture because of the potential profits and , in order to buy the necessary equipment and fertilisers and to sell the final produce , they had to work through the market .
30 This allows the lungs to remain inflated after a breath is taken , without it the lung does not expand adequately and the baby had to work much harder to breathe — rather like blowing up a new balloon as opposed to one with some air already in it .
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