Example sentences of "the less " in BNC.

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1 At the same time , the novel finds more to object to in the less objectionable aspects of these activities than many readers might anticipate .
2 So far , the free world has liked him both for having been , and for having ceased to be , a communist of a sort , for the freedoms he seeks in matters of literary form , for the modern inventiveness and manipulation of the literary games he plays , games that none the less commemorate , as he acknowledges , Cervantes , Sterne and Diderot , and for the sexual games which he plays in an age when , as he once put it , sexuality has ceased to be taboo .
3 It is clear enough , none the less , that the hero of that time is like the hero of some other times , including Hamlet 's .
4 It is there in Stanley and the Women , which persuaded Marilyn Butler — somewhat against the odds , but none the less intelligibly — to interpret it in the London Review as a critique of male supremacy , but which has left a very different impression on others .
5 Philip Roth is right , however , to point to the limitations of the book , and to point to a law of Levi 's work in general : the less imaginary it is , the more imaginative — the more literal the better .
6 But the less elaborate you can be the better .
7 The most powerful myth affecting everyday life narrates the less decisive defence of the city of Londonderry in 1689 .
8 None the less , the characterization of catholic — nationalist ideology I have just documented would seem to fly in the face of this sort of evidence .
9 Some of its parents had begun sending their children to the less protestant dominated schools within the state system , shortly before the movement was formed .
10 None the less , he wrote , I should not have let her see it .
11 The more you learn about it , the more you understand how to use it , the less likely you are to subject your raw materials to absurd or unharmonious treatments .
12 If the less frequently attacked male groin must be protected by a guard , then it follows that chest protectors ought to be compulsory for female contestants .
13 Looking around at the suffocating power of the Roman Catholic Church and the less humane churches of Protestantism , he found that he had nowhere else to go ; they had no answers for this situation either .
14 But somewhat surprisingly ( given that the representational theory of the mind is supposed to be a theory of thinking , not of how we handle inputs ) he concludes that a psychology of the central systems is beyond our reach : the more global a mental process is the less we are likely to understand about it .
15 From such ideas he formed dances which did away with pointes but retained much of the classical footwork which he co-ordinated with the less familiar action of the arms and hands .
16 Family rooms are useful to let the less well-behaved and noisier children run riot but they are frequently cold and characterless and , no matter how good the facilities may be , you often feel excluded from the main atmosphere of the pub .
17 Yeats in a letter specifically invoked the name of Wilfred Scawen Blunt on one of many occasions when he girded in rage against the ‘ unnatural labour ’ that verse writing had become for him , with the disappearance of the less egalitarian society that Gregory and Blunt stood for .
18 Like the less diplomatically suave authority , Theodore Haecker , whom Eliot was at times glad to call on , the author of Four Quartets and editor of The Criterion required us to take Virgil as , above all , the author of the Fourth Eclogue , the pagan poet who prophesied Christianity , whose vision of human history must accordingly be seen as completed and vindicated by The Divine Comedy .
19 The title alone is enough to show that this piece , if it avoids giving offence in the ways just glanced at , will offend none the less .
20 Alternative dividing lines which have been informally mooted , such as simply restricting solicitor-advocates in Crown Court jury trials to the less serious cases , had been viewed as difficult to support as a matter of principle .
21 The Government says that many scholarships will be on offer to make up for the charges , but surely this means that only rich people and the very brightest of the less well-off will be able to afford a degree .
22 The more people get used to prodding , weighing and evaluating new planning proposals , the less likely it is that the Hammersmith effect will spread further .
23 Under this system , the Maronites would hold the presidency and the leadership of the army while a Sunni Muslim would always hold the less important post of prime minister .
24 Indeed , it was something of a typically topsy-turvy but none the less gritty performance from Durie , who missed a match point at 5-3 and then had to wait an hour to complete the encounter after rain fell at the end of the ninth game .
25 The outcome was none the less a climbdown for the government , which was obliged to drop its original plan to outlaw strikes in all sectors of industry for 15 months , amid deep divisions among parliamentarians over the extent of the powers to be granted .
26 The number of applications for judicial review has none the less increased significantly over the past decade .
27 This is an exercise in persuasion , and requires composers who will focus their art on the simple and fundamental act of communication with their enthusiastic but tired , inattentive , restless , distracted and easily bored fellow human beings who none the less long to hear themselves in a not necessarily flattering mirror of music .
28 The less pubescent diner can cast a detached eye on this ritual from six Formica-topped tables inside the tiny deli-restaurant .
29 None the less , the consensus in the General Assembly will give Mr Perez de Cuellar scope to carry on behind-the-scenes negotiations with all sides in the conflict , to agree to a UN peace plan .
30 THE drawings of the Royal Institute of British Architects form one of the less well-known collections in London .
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