Example sentences of "yesterday 's " in BNC.

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1 Richards , who did not attend yesterday 's badly disrupted squad session at The Stoop , is to have dye injected into his injured shoulder to show up the extent of the damage .
2 ONLY a dealer who had just come back from a weekend in the Kalahari desert would have been surprised to hear of yesterday 's agreed £337.6m bid by MB Group for Caradon , the Twyfords and Everest building products group , so comprehensive has been the pre-match publicity .
3 Mark Todd , who finished fourth on Double Take II , had a miserable ride in yesterday 's Working Hunter Championship , which was won by Jean Harpham 's Bootleg .
4 INFLATION is widely expected to accelerate towards 7.5 per cent late this year after yesterday 's one point increase to 15 per cent in base rates made higher mortgage interest rates inevitable .
5 Yesterday 's close compared with the 1,793.1 at which the FTSE index ended 1988 .
6 The change in employment may not always be so favourable as yesterday 's either , but the market is now starting to feel bullish and looking for a FT-SE of 3,000 by next year .
7 Yesterday 's me would have gone outside the phone box and stood listening to it ring .
8 As revealed in yesterday 's TODAY , the Indians , Pakistanis and Sri Lankans have made a shrewd financial offer to woo the world 's 20 non-Test playing nations into supporting their campaign to stage the tournament .
9 Temperatures will be similar to yesterday 's generally .
10 Is that yesterday 's now ?
11 Right I have changed what I was going to do somewhat after yesterday 's meeting erm
12 The Honda launch follows yesterday 's unveiling by Rover of a new pressing plant in Swindon …
13 BELFAST 's Claire Curran could be out of today 's second round of the Four Nations tennis championship in Glasgow following the recurrence of a back injury in yesterday 's opening round .
14 Colin Liddle , of Wylam Road , Shield Row , Stanley , whose mother Florence lives at Hustledown House , said after yesterday 's meeting the fight would continue to save the home from closure .
15 GUERNSEY 's Mike Nicolle created the biggest upset in the history of the Midland Bank World Indoor Championship when he beat the defending champion , Ian Schuback , in yesterday 's opening round in Preston .
16 Yesterday 's yesterday 's too late .
17 Yesterday 's yesterday 's too late .
18 Well , this morning 's satellite picture shows clearly yesterday 's nasty weather out there in the North Sea and as we run the sequence through the day you can see a lot of showers coming towards Scotland and there 's some more threatening cloud coming across southern parts of England and Ireland .
19 That 's yesterday 's grey weather .
20 Well , Mansell who run , won yesterday 's Portugese Grand Prix is believed to be considering several offers to tempt him out of that so-called retirement .
21 In New York the Dow Jones Index tried to regain some of yesterday 's lost ground , at at four thirty stood up two point seven two points at two four five five point six nine .
22 And sterling enjoyed another boost triggered by yesterday 's better than expected August current account figures and higher oil prices .
23 Prices of gold and other precious metals fell on rumours that Saudi investors are selling gold for sterling ; on the foreign exchanges the pound was fractionally down on yesterday 's close , ending the day at one dollar point nine five seven five , and two deutschmarks point nine six eight five .
24 And , Tim , you and I ought to have a we 're not actually going to have a formal session on self-study , but we have another we have a rather loosely structured session when we can bring up any other matters for erm basically that they 'll want to plan the video session rather carefully as well basically I think we want to follow in on yesterday 's meeting — we want to find out why we 're not selling more videos basically and use the whole of that session if necessary for exploring with the area managers why we 're not doing twice or three times as well as we are .
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