Example sentences of "european [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The use of easily-obtained European woods helped to keep costs down and contributed to an individual and unique tone .
2 It was designed for the struggle which , as I feared , was before us ; between the two European tendencies which Napoleon I called Republican and Cossack , and which I , according to our present ideas , should designate on the one side as the system of order on a monarchical basis , and on the other as the social republic to the level of which the antimonarchical development is wont to sink , either slowly or by leaps and bounds , until the conditions thus created become intolerable , and the disappointed populace are ready for a violent return to monarchical institutions in a Caesarean form .
3 The people who draw our European maps think there is nothing but sea between Japan and America , but they are wrong .
4 European shareholders have ‘ pre-emption rights ’ which entitle them to first call on secondary offerings ; and underwriting is common practice for new issues , too .
5 It was Britain more than any other country which had placed a stamp on all European discussions about integration since the war .
6 We have to face the European proposals and we shall tackle them as we tackle all other European proposals — in the interests of British farmers and British consumers .
7 We have to face the European proposals and we shall tackle them as we tackle all other European proposals — in the interests of British farmers and British consumers .
8 An integral part of Labour 's plan to look after the coal industry will be the adoption of European proposals for the coal industry .
9 The European proposals , which could add $10 a barrel to the price of oil by the end of the century , were also opposed by large-scale energy users claiming that their businesses would be hampered if other trading partners did not introduce similar measures .
10 ‘ The two precise problems I am looking at today are what financial means should be explored , and what partnership , with other European operators or if necessary an industrial company ? ’
11 [ The Times , 1 January 1935 ; Partha Mitter , Much Maligned Monsters : History of European Reactions to Indian Art , 1977 ; information from Lady Sonia Wilson ( daughter ) and B. Vibert . ]
12 Soviet and European reactions
13 encourage organic farming as a way to reduce massive European surpluses through Set Aside and Beef Extensification schemes .
14 Mm say if you 're on the world , if you , if you 're a net importer , right , erm , and you 're buying your food commodities from the world market , you must have been rubbing your hands over the last fifty years cos you 're getting , you 're buying , you 're buying a food commodities will lower , lower prices than you would have done in the presence of free trade , cos there 's all this dumping and European surpluses , you know Come in
15 Responses from 685 European marketers across all sectors showed 81 per cent were already working on a pan-European business plan .
16 Our main European markets would appear to be around the Mediterranean , but with statistics showing that northern European summers are apparently becoming warmer I 've decided to launch our system in the United Kingdom as well . ’
17 They will be debating a European Commission directive which only calls on EC television stations to screen a majority of European programmes , where possible .
18 The British Foreign Secretary , John Major , attending his first EC Council meeting , stressed that the undertaking to maintain a majority of European programmes was non-binding , and should therefore not cause offence to the US .
19 In October Tacoma was host to the first North American conference on needle exchanges ; the participants studied European programmes , including one in Wales where the chemist 's department of a supermarket serves as a needle-exchange centre .
20 ACT Logsys , the systems integration arm of ACT Group plc , has appointed John Totman — formerly Director of European Programmes at X/Open — to head up open systems development in its local government division , DSS Information Technology Services Agency .
21 I am Michael Taylor and I 'm the Director of the United Kingdom and European Programmes Department of the Save The Children Fund .
22 Specifically though the European Programmes Division with the department will lead the development of our programmes in Eastern Europe .
23 In particular , it has lobbied both the British Parliament and the European institutions with demands to break up the brewing monopolies and to restore greater choice to pub users .
24 Now the European Institute of Technology — an industrial organisation founded by IBM Europe , AT&T , Enichem , Montedison and Philips — has asked it to handle the intellectual property rights for the scientific projects it supports in European institutions .
25 The clawback mechanism has reduced the 18.5 per cent water holding intended for Japan , US , Canada and European institutions to around 12 per cent .
26 THE chairman of Poland 's foreign affairs committee said yesterday his country would request membership of the European Community and all other European institutions .
27 ‘ Yes , Poland is seeking a place in all European institutions , ’ Mr Bronislaw Geremek said after meeting with the presidents of the Commission .
28 The clawback mechanism has reduced the 18.5 per cent water holding intended for Japan , US , Canada and European institutions to around 12 per cent .
29 THE chairman of Poland 's foreign affairs committee said yesterday his country would request membership of the European Community and all other European institutions .
30 ‘ Yes , Poland is seeking a place in all European institutions , ’ Mr Bronislaw Geremek said after meeting with the presidents of the Commission .
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