Example sentences of "shall get " in BNC.

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1 I ca n't wake her up or else I shall got shot .
2 ‘ Well , I shall get a good lawyer .
3 This does not mean that the old books can provide us with no concrete evidence from the past , but it does mean that old books must be read with delicacy ; with a sense that if we go blundering into them , assuming that they mean what we mean by words like sky , earth , history or nature we shall get everything wrong .
4 The more we soak up their way of looking at things , their method of understanding , the more we shall get .
5 ‘ We shall get our friends down from London with the fish . ’
6 Of course we shall get howls of laughter .
7 ‘ I shall get used to it here in time , ’ she said .
8 ‘ I shall get a job .
9 Now , she thought , now we shall get things done , sort things out , arrive at a solution .
10 I shall get back too .
11 And thus we shall get the Government that we deserve .
12 I must write a grand opera or none at all ; if I write a small one , I shall get very little for it ( for everything is taxed here ) .
13 ‘ I shall get them some food later , ’ replied Shill , from behind the closed door .
14 Do n't do anything yet , I shall get John to write you a long technical letter .
15 If so , I shall get the exact number of yards . ’
16 We shall get married this summer . ’
17 I shall get short measure next time , but only for one drink .
18 But we shall get a more accurate estimate of the intercept if the mean of all three summary values is used :
19 When Michael knew he had cancer , he said , ‘ One of three things will happen ; I shall get better , I shall have some remission , or I shall die , and whichever it is , we 're not going to make a tragedy of it . ’
20 But then I began to find it rather unsatisfying , so I 'm now looking for a job , either part-time or full time , but if that does n't work out , I shall get involved in voluntary work . ’
21 It may take me a little longer but … ’ he smiled , and his confidence made her dislike him more than ever , ‘ I promise you I shall get there in the end . ’
22 But I shall get back to Sam .
23 I shall get him out . ’
24 Here he is , at the outset , reporting from Brussels : ‘ You must not imagine that I live richly here , for my chief food is dry bread and some potatoes or chestnuts which people here sell on the street corner , but by having a somewhat better room and by occasionally taking a somewhat better meal in a restaurant whenever I can afford it , I shall get on very well … .
25 If there is another errand you can run , I shall get in touch with you again . ’
26 Still , perhaps I shall get a chance to at least pass my regards to young Mikhail while I am here . ’
27 Their immediate reaction to the Beveridge Report 's proposals was displayed graphically in a cartoon , the caption to which read ‘ Cheer up , Maggie , we shall get £2 a week when we are 97 — a bitter comment on the gradualist compromises of the new pension scheme .
28 And she thought , quite calmly : this is n't good enough for me , I shall get further if I 'm pulled , I ca n't waste time in going first .
29 I shall get on with the work and have a sweep out and tidy up , and I 'll have the fire lit and the bone broth on before she gets home .
30 We shall get nowhere if we do not acknowledge this .
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