Example sentences of "else be " in BNC.

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1 How else are you going to support yourself ?
2 When questioned about this , one peasant retorted ‘ From where else are we to take thatch , there 's nothing left on which to feed the livestock , ’ An exception proved the rule .
3 He told the Annual Chemical Congress in Manchester yesterday : ‘ Cigarette smoke , moisture from exhalation , aromas and smells from food and goodness knows what else are the cause . ’
4 ‘ What else are women for ? ’ said Bobby playfully .
5 Apparently , such agreements are not contrary to the law , or else are winked at .
6 In fact , it is a vital part of spiritual development that such mistakes are made , for how else are we to learn and to evolve ?
7 How else are we to explain the grotesque document which this highly intelligent and normally level-headed man gave birth to the other day ?
8 How else are we expected to compete with our rivals in Hong Kong or India ? ’
9 ‘ The chances of the blood belonging to anybody else are one in 1,400 million , ’ he added .
10 ‘ He told me : ‘ What the hell else are you going to do to earn money ’ — and he is absolutely right .
11 ‘ How else are you going to live now your pupils are out of town ? ’ asked Leopold .
12 Stereotypes like this flatten out important details : they disguise the exceptions to the ‘ women speak more standard ’ rule , or else are unable to account for them .
13 In anomie theory the impetus that pushes people into crime is that the ambitions for status and pecuniary success that they share with everyone else are thwarted by the restrictions on the opportunities to achieve them that result from low socio-economic status .
14 Supplying cafeteria and bar facilities and there 's no one else in Harlow to seat four hundred plus people and that 's like regulars and if the Harlow playhouse turn around and say no we 're not interested where else are we to go ?
15 Comments on location , light , quality of shot , me and virtually everything else are made into a dictaphone .
16 This court believes that discovery does not take place within [ a state 's ] borders merely because documents to be produced somewhere else are located there .
17 What else are our fruit fools but the basis of modern cream ices or frozen desserts ?
18 ( Why else are so many women in the caring professions ? )
19 What else are you gon na tell me ?
20 While all things else are gathering to their homes ,
21 Most artefacts are either the product of mass production , in which case they are identical to all others items produced by the same process , or else are intended as equal copies of a normative cultural notion , in which case , for example , all spears of the same type are intended to look alike .
22 So what a el else are we gon na to be looking for ?
23 And we had one or two er black lads coming in the other end of the building , saying , We know they 've come down here to complain about us , you know , Do n't you listen to them , but where else are we supposed to go ?
24 What else are we to think ? ’
25 ‘ What else are you going to chuck out ? ’ enquired Edward , with resignation .
26 The features of the face are sometimes treated in the same simplified way , or else are so highly stylized that they become simply decorative signs .
27 If we look at the sea-floor maps that are now becoming increasingly available , One is struck ( at least , I am ) by the great areas that are either receiving no sediment at all or else are covered with the merest veneer .
28 ‘ How else are you to appear in church ? ’
29 And what else are we to do , not just as individuals , but as a society , but plan some kind of future for ourselves ?
30 ‘ What else are friends for ? ’
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