Example sentences of "reach a " in BNC.

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1 When people are fleeing from fear of imprisonment , torture or death , they will use any means available to reach a safe country .
2 At about seven months of age the average baby is quite skilled at removing obstacles to prehension ; is well able , for example , to pull a cushion away to reach a rattle behind it .
3 Altitude sickness is probably the most common cause of failure to reach a summit .
4 The last hope of a mediated solution fell when the Organisation of American States failed to reach a constitutional solution before the formal expiry of the presidential term in September .
5 This will clear the way for the International Automobile Federation ( FIA ) to reach a conclusion on Mansell 's appeal against his exclusion from the Grand Prix at Jerez .
6 The secretary-general of Cites , Eugene Lapointe , expects the conference to reach a compromise on the ivory trade , stopping short of the total ban opposed by some African countries .
7 EFFORTS TO reach a compromise over a move to ban all trade in ivory were under way last night as delegates gathered for the conference of the world 's wildlife monitoring organisation .
8 But additional tests are needed to reach a more definite conclusion . ’
9 It was emphasised yesterday that Mr Parkinson has yet to reach a decision .
10 The Portuguese authorities had promised to hear Ferrari 's appeal against the fine next Wednesday , after which the FIA , the international automobile federation , was due to reach a decision on Ferrari 's appeal over Mansell 's ban from the Spanish Grand Prix which was staged on 1 October .
11 Union membership continued to rise steadily , especially in service employment , to reach a peak of over 13 million in 1979 .
12 Lawson 's chosen weapon was the most politically damaging that he could have selected — successive increases in interest rates , to reach a minimum lending rate of 15 per cent by October 1989 , on the eve of the Tory party conference .
13 It is ironic that , after the National majority had been safely won , and shown itself , as might have been predicted , protectionist , Snowden reverted to the role of stubborn free trader , and gave currency to the view of MacDonald as a feeble halfwit , without principles or dignity , Yet MacDonald , although no doctrinaire free trader , had fought harder to reach a formula that the Liberals , Snowden 's free trade allies , could accept than Snowden himself had done .
14 We retreated , crossing a ridge of the mountain to reach a glacial tongue of Örafæjökull .
15 The glacier beyond was dirty and torturous , but we trekked down it to reach a sandspill outfall .
16 The dogs follow the trail , so there is no problem , but it does mean that I miss seeing the sudden three metre drop that we go down to reach a frozen river .
17 But the end of 1990 we want to reach a situation where at least eight out of ten of the world 's children are immunised .
18 Even here , however , the shortage of filmmaking competence was felt , causing the American company to terminate the project in 1924 with a complaint that ‘ the productions failed to reach a quality comparable to those made in the States . ’
19 Mr Papandreou , aged 70 , is under increasing pressure to reach a compromise solution with his political opponents as Greek voters have no desire to go to the polls again for a third time in less than six months .
20 STUNNED by the loyalty General Noriega has been able to inspire among his troops and fearful for the fate of US hostages , the Bush Administration is under growing pressure to reach a deal with the former dictator of Panama .
21 Siding covertly with Nasser , he progressively undermined the Suez Canal Users Association , which he himself had created , and sapped British and French confidence in American good faith with every twist in his tortuous attempts to reach a peaceful solution .
22 He got the students to leave the Memorial Hall by promising a ‘ National Affairs Conference ’ to reach a ‘ consensus on issues such as constitutional reform and mainland China policy ’ .
23 Paul Downton has just failed to reach a snick by Larry Gomes off Derek Pringle , and the response of Botham and Gower says it all .
24 Its 3.5 litre injection V8 engine , with 164 brake horsepower , enables it to reach a maximum speed of 105 mph , with acceleration from 0–60 taking 11.2 seconds .
25 To reach a fuller understanding of the blood differential — its origin , purpose and effect — it is necessary to dig a little deeper and attempt to trace the underlying reasons by means of a sociological/anthropological analysis — and this is what I have been attempting to do in the course of this essay .
26 The victim managed to reach a fire station with a Red-belly black snake coiled around his arm — its fangs still in his hand .
27 Failure to reach a settlement would lead to enormous problems for European agriculture as protectionism spreads .
28 In Acts 15 scripture recorded the apostles meeting in synod to reach a common policy about the Gentile mission .
29 Workers were reported as saying : ‘ Our government ought to reach a peace before our entire villages and towns are destroyed , since we ca n't do anything about it anyway . ’
30 To further these designs ( primarily , to reach a warm-water port ) , the Russians had persuaded the Iranians to over-estimate their strength against Iraq .
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