Example sentences of "involve being " in BNC.

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1 The job involved being in charge of ‘ country correspondents ’ in villages scattered within 25 to 50 miles around the city , editing their weekly contributions , measuring their column-inches for payments and generally supervising the rural aspect of the newspaper .
2 His future , if he had one , involved being permanently connected , by two six foot hoses , to a massive power unit weighing 375 lb .
3 One of the more common Manhattan experiences of the early 1980s involved being approached by well-dressed individuals and asked to sign a petition helping the NAP get on the ballot in the name of democracy , and then being hit for a contribution .
4 In fact , the event was even more profound than that , because it was also an explosion of the four dimensions ( as well as , it is thought , a number of others , which almost immediately ‘ rolled themselves up ’ so that we do not recognize them as such — the matter and energy involved being only a secondary consideration !
5 This involved being around , or hanging around , just watching , recording , holding conversations .
6 If you trust somebody okay you 're quite open to them , they 're quite open to you if you co-operate you 're flexible , you 're being flexible and you like to work together and what happens is is if you 've got low trust and low co-operation with somebody well what you 've got is really everybody both people or everybody involved being defensive constantly being def defensive , if you do n't trust somebody and you know you 're not co-operative you 're constantly looking over your back , what are they doing are they doing that 's gon na mess something up you know what are they trying to do now .
7 and I ca n't see the two people involved being able to stomach that very easily because questions like why did you not ask for counselling at the time or you were in charge and why did you not ensure he had any adequate
8 They possess an impressive array of scent glands under nervous and endocrine control , the hormones involved being mostly steroids .
9 These involved being unable to breathe properly , and on occasions even caused her to faint .
10 It involved quick learning of the part , for she would have to appear at the matinée ; but in fact there were few lines to say , and most of the acting involved being laid on a sofa by a young man and proposed to , after various adventures which were mostly physical .
11 Other first-line squadrons followed suit , and with the advent of the Korean War in 1950 , Fireflies were once again in action , squadrons involved being .
12 From this data , two types of hierarchy can be created , the processes involved being known as ’ sprouting ’ and ’ filtering ’ .
13 The first part of the dream involved being in a room talking to some friends .
14 Is it a question of economics , because if they were more efficient , that is if they used less fuel to get a given mileage , is it a question of the companies involved being unwilling to put the money into the development costs , or would cars that are more efficient cost a lot more money to buy ?
15 Writers , whose criticism arises directly from the problems and possibilities of their art , are inevitably evaluative ; Baudelaire showed how being a poet also involves being a critic .
16 This committee post involves being available to assist in the advertisement of functions and fund raising activities for the branch and any general ‘ information ’ on NCT that is needed , for example exhibitions etc .
17 This committee post involves being available to assist in the advertisement of functions and fund raising activities for the branch and any general ‘ information ’ on NCT that is needed , for example exhibitions etc .
18 Being convicted involves being identified publicly as a criminal , and it is in this context that we can say that being found guilty is the same as being guilty .
19 In general , having a concept ( whether linguistic or pre-linguistic ) involves being able to draw inferences linking it usefully with other concepts .
20 It also , in a democracy , involves being responsible to some degree for the society which we have .
21 If you are getting on to a diet which involves being very restricted for choice , and in some cases , missing out meals altogether , you are perfectly normal if you find it difficult to stick to this in the long term .
22 Language understanding also involves being able to relate the information in successive sentences , which is why psycholinguists have turned their attention to discourse interpretation , that is , to the comprehension of whole passages rather than single sentences .
23 Working successfully involves being able to cope with 100 per cent of the cases which arise .
24 It involves being alert to particular developments in the situation for which campaigning action is required .
25 Ari had anticipated that her training , until the consummation with Nathan , would involve being hooked up to machines like the ones Leila had used at Lazar Farm .
26 Health teaching does not necessarily imply an elaborate preplanned programme of instruction ; it does involve being alert to cues from the clients and assessing the appropriate time to discuss issues which they and the nurse consider important to the client 's circumstances .
27 For example if you work indoors , at a desk , doing clerical work , a suitable hobby might involve being outside , doing some physical activity .
28 Being humble does n't mean being a wimp , being soft and out of touch , nor does it involve being a doormat that people abuse and walk over .
29 Even the evening meal — the one which used to involve being together , talking and relaxing — is often eaten from a tray on your lap while you watch television .
30 Perception , therefore , at least in the human domain , seems to involve being able to talk about what we see , hear , or smell , and thereby to entertain beliefs about its objects .
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