Example sentences of "mind so " in BNC.

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1 a state of mind so different from that of ordinary human beings that the reasonable man would term it abnormal .
2 It helps to create a pattern in the subconscious mind so that , as you go about your routine actions , the mind automatically prepares itself for sleep .
3 My focussing was so bad , my mind so fuzzy , he was like a shot from a Renoir film , He had a most serious smile and I think I just recognized him as my surgeon .
4 In looking at any scene , I have learnt to throw it out of focus , and at the same time to blur the mind so that the scene becomes hazy ; then sometimes the sublime images well up in place of the mundane things ; rather the mystical things come from a transformation of the mundane .
5 If you use a meditation technique regularly it helps you to acquire a calm frame of mind so that you are not so vulnerable to the onset of unproductive feelings .
6 It began to prey on my mind so much that I went to the casualty department of Charing Cross Hospital .
7 He did n't know whether Alice ever thought of it , or whether the trauma had erased it from her mind so that she now believed the version he had formulated , had taken the lie into her unconscious and made it her truth .
8 This word can convey several meanings but one of them expresses an inner state of mind so torn between various options that it can not make up its mind .
9 René Descartes , who attempted to discover truth by doubting everything he could manage to doubt , described the first principle of his method like this in A Discourse on Method , ‘ The first rule was never to accept anything for true which I did not clearly know to be such ; that is to say … to comprise nothing more in my judgement than what was presented to my mind so clearly and distinctly as to exclude all ground of doubt . ’
10 The renewed mind is nothing less than the mind of Christ in the believer , a mind so under his authority that its presuppositions are entirely influenced and informed by the truth of God .
11 T S Eliot once accused Henry James of possessing a mind so fine that no idea could violate it .
12 When applying for a place on a re-entry course keep the following questions in mind so that you can compare what is on offer to your own best advantage .
13 You need some sort of order and some sort of security , it makes your mind so sort of universal that you look for some sort of order … ’
14 ‘ Real ’ Christianity , in Clarkson 's words , depended upon ‘ a total change of heart or of mind so as to produce a corresponding change of Life ’ .
15 The voice always seemed to come from the shadows or from somewhere just aside from where he was looking ; and usually the words did n't make any sense , and they passed through his mind so quickly that they 'd gone before he could reach for them .
16 The internalized dialogue that it brings acts on the mind so as to generate a continuing cycle of reflection and intellectual advance .
17 But the training that had been such a part of his life , the long hours of studying the Twelve Books of Honour for entry into the Fiana at the age of eleven ; the days and the weeks spent schooling his mind so that all situations could be calmly appraised , came to his aid and , at length , exhausted and drained , Fergus began to look about him and assess this strange , out-of-the-world fortress .
18 But rigging and sails did , and once I was on deck , coiling and sorting the ropes and making notes of what I would need , I barely noticed anything else , time slipping by and my mind so concentrated on the job that I barely felt the wind force rising , small frozen particles of snow driving almost horizontally .
19 She had refused to believe it at first , her mind so full of him that her eyes kept on seeing him , playing tricks on her , raising false and cruel hopes .
20 And best of all the pictures that flew through her mind so happily as she jolted onwards was Michael Swinton 's gratitude and delight , how touched he would be that she had thought of him , how she would seem to him like some sort of Christmas spirit , glittering in a thousand jewels , her arms laden with bounty …
21 Her eyes flew wide open , the voice in her mind so clear that she felt sure he must have heard it too .
22 Adults considering enrolment on further or higher education courses ‘ shop around : with various factors in mind so that failure to enrol on any specific course does not necessarily equal a rejection of the idea of further study .
23 Tomorrow was too far distanced for his mind to wait for the last piece of evidence — a mind so ceaselessly tossing , as it had been ever since Lewis — wonderful Lewis ! — had mentioned that seemingly irrelevant item in The Oxford Times .
24 By allowing unmediated access to a character 's mind the narrator constructs a close bond between reader and character based upon shared information and perspective , while at other times witholding the reader from that mind so that narrator and reader stand together in a position of judgemental distance .
25 Lying quite still , trying to recall whether , with her mind so busy , she 'd remembered to lock the door , she listened .
26 She had dreamt of this moment , fantasised it in her mind so many lonely dark nights , and now it was happening and nothing had prepared her for this self-destruction .
27 Ruth struggled for words , her mind so confused that she could n't rein a coherent thought to the surface .
28 But I , I really want to have like a even if I stayed in Switzerland , because have mind so .
29 you 'd have one hell of a row over something daft but it was di got this idea in her mind so I can see now where it 's come from .
30 It will also help to concentrate your mind so that you do actually keep the statements reasonably brief .
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