Example sentences of "god be " in BNC.

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1 The men in the bush are watched by gods who are barely a jump above their heads : these white gods are more remote .
2 At Harvard he read how apart from gods useful for economic purposes , ‘ All the myths about their gods are otherwise hazy , and their names persist in a meaningless way in the Todas ’ prayers . ’
3 Athens is in the middle of her golden age ; Pericles is building the Parthenon ; the Gods are on Olympus , and all 's right with the world …
4 Some Celtic gods are on view in the form of sculpture .
5 Which god or gods are we talking about ?
6 Moreover these gods are said to be more part of the world 's spiritual furniture than transcendent of it — perhaps more like the saints in Catholic tradition .
7 The many gods are all of roughly equal power .
8 The other gods are mere pretenders to divinity .
9 What can be said , however , is that this sense of an ultimate monotheism according to which the gods are recognised to be manifestations of a single absolute reality is deeply woven into the religious tradition of Hindus .
10 In the case of Hinduism , we are led to ask whether all the gods are really ‘ God ’ , if by ‘ God ’ we intend to refer not to spiritual forces at work in the world but the absolute being who lies behind the gods themselves .
11 But do we achieve any understanding of what their two different Gods are like from this conflict ?
12 It 's like : the gods are against me , what can I do ?
13 A house where the gods are our guests and which the demons strive to possess . ’
14 Ten or twelve different gods are embodied now , and they are all amusing themselves in different ways .
15 Let's face it : all gods are created ( ‘ invented ’ would be a truer word ) by a human being of some sort .
16 Whereas in classical times , and in the periods of Dante and Milton , there was an accepted ideological structure of religious belief to be accepted , explored or questioned , one might be forgiven for enquiring whether any gods are present in The Prelude .
17 But , if they can play as indifferently as this and still win by a record margin , then the Gods are obviously with them .
18 ‘ In India , Hindu Gods are endowed with different personalities relative to the natural forces they represent .
19 He had told an election-eve rally in Astroarena , Washington : ‘ The gods are smiling upon us and I know we are going to win . ’
20 Somewhere , the gods are madly spinning a cosmic radio dial across nine billion frequencies .
21 Showing the insignia of Neutral deities cuts no ice with Thadeus — such gods are little better than the Proscribed Ones .
22 The gods are not like men .
23 If the hunt produces a great quantity of game this proves that the gods are smiling because all is well in the community .
24 Gods are also dangerous figures , again like father .
25 Foreign gods are put aside .
26 Written late in the 2nd millennium BC to honour Marduk , god of Babylon , who is its hero , it begins with a watery mother-figure , Tiamat , from whom the gods are born .
27 All de Gods are free fe speak
28 Greek gods are conspicuous by their absence in these documents of the declining Jewish polytheism of the fifth century B.C.
29 The household priests take that to mean that the gods are not responsible for these deaths . ’
30 Let's just say that if complete and utter chaos was lightning , then he 'd be the sort to stand on a hilltop in a thunderstorm wearing wet copper armour and shouting ‘ All gods are bastards ’ .
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