Example sentences of "speak the " in BNC.

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1 Although we could n't speak the language , there were enough ‘ … issimos ’ attached to the adjectives to give a good idea of what the locals thought of the route , and the frequent appearance of numbers like VIII , VII+ , A4 and A3 on the topo seemed more in keeping with our previous experience than the more modest gradings given by Ron James .
2 I 'm not really Welsh by blood and I do n't speak the language .
3 ‘ You 'd better speak the truth , Mr. Carter , ’ said Burden , ‘ and never mind whether it 's ill or not .
4 In the 1911 census , the most recent complete record of Gaelic-speaking , only 2% of the population said they could speak the language .
5 Be on the look-out when ordinary people are despised because they do n't speak the way you do , or because they come from the council estate .
6 Do they speak the truth ? ’
7 He explains : ‘ Summer holidays in a French village can be great fun , but the place can turn into a different proposition in the depths of winter , when you are far from friends and family , especially if you do n't speak the language . ’
8 Some of the other holiday-makers did n't speak much English … but that 's the beauty of HCI , everyone is there to have a good time and you find you make friends even if you do n't speak the same language .
9 ‘ In a way it would be interesting to work in a country where you could n't speak the language so you could communicate with your eye and your camera , not your tongue .
10 France has 40 resorts and Spain 31 , most of them little known over here but none the worse for that , provided you can speak the appropriate language .
11 I think he was regarded as a bit of a failure in Ukrainian circles because I did n't speak the language or dance . ’
12 Well , she 's a lady an' she 'll always speak the truth . ’
13 Or suppose you 're setting off on a driving tour of Spain and you do n't speak the language .
14 The new patient who probably has the biggest problem with communication is the one who does not speak the national language ( Watson , 1986 ) .
15 you are abroad and ca n't speak the language
16 There are consequently variations in the quality and availability of reading material in school and out and in the number of teachers who can speak the language and teach in it .
17 He admits he is not a professional Welshman , since he does n't speak the language , does n't play rugby and does n't sing too well .
18 And something about how she did not speak the French of France because she was from Martinique , and how she was n't rich and she was n't chic .
19 It is the device which allows us to ‘ speak the truth in love ’ ; be judicious about how we answer others in order not to offend them .
20 Do you speak the language of clothes ?
21 It is equally important for them to read and hear and speak the great literature of the past .
22 We do not speak the same language . ’
23 Central to that campaign were the warnings that a Labour win would mean a run on the pound , a sterling crisis , a property slump , HIGHER interest rates and possibly , dare we even speak the word , devaluation .
24 Actress Susan Sheridan will speak the part when the Toytown star bounces back on our screens from September 17 .
25 Your letters in French , particularly the French of Molière , are incredibly so , for you do n't speak the language .
26 Therefore it took some time to penetrate the Boardrooms of British industry , because many of the early headhunters did not really speak the businessmen 's language .
27 Many immigrant starlings pass through Shetland , particularly during the autumn migration period , but they seem not to mix with our birds — probably they do n't even speak the same language !
28 All members of the obstetric and midwifery staff should speak the same language and use the same method of classification — something that can be achieved only by regular meetings on cardiotocography .
29 It has to be possible to dream and speak the unthinkable , for the only thing that we do know is that we shall not know what tomorrow 's world will be like .
30 You do n't exactly speak the lingo , do you ? ’
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