Example sentences of "fall about " in BNC.

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1 And sometimes , when there were visitors and raksi to drink , he 'd get the red bitch to sing — a mournful , wailing dirge that made us fall about with laughter .
2 Fares had fallen about 20% in real terms .
3 SG Warburgs expect manufacturing output to have fallen about 0.5 per cent on the month .
4 If he had let go , he would have fallen about thirty feet on to a narrow ledge , where boxes had been placed to break his fall .
5 During this period , most commodity prices fell about a third , rates of interest dwindled to vanishing point ( as it appeared to those who remembered the inflationary middle decades of the century ) , and banking and commercial disasters multiplied .
6 In the 1970s the real price of cigarettes fell about 30% because cigarette taxation did not keep pace with inflation .
7 But as the boy scrambled about , he stood on a skylight and fell about 12ft into the room below .
8 Another climber suffered head injuries when he lost his footing and fell about 150ft down Ben Oss near Tyndrum , Perthshire .
9 he must 've fell about six feet
10 No one seemed to think this an out of place remark , but the three of us fell about .
11 The others all fell about .
12 Whereupon I fell about in my chair at this with an effective simulacrum of sycophancy , then matadored the old charm around in front of him for a few minutes , and before you could say fundador Walt was on his knees begging me for the coup de grâce .
13 They clutched each other and fell about , it made them laugh so much .
14 My colleagues fell about with mirth , demanding to know the nature of the in-depth investigation and whether I was seeking film rights .
15 And her loom fell about and got broken . ’
16 Officer Cecil fell about in mirth .
17 The young boy was extremely embarrassed but soon swallowed his pride and climbed back into his canoe while we all fell about with laughter around him and it was then that I heard the bang .
18 She fell about at one point .
19 Halfway round the walk , they came to a chalk escarpment that sloped away from a ridge , falling about thirty feet to a small clearing .
20 ‘ She 's round , ma'am , ’ Salt said in her angry voice , and under her breath : ‘ Blessed if I know what the world 's coming to … serving wenches falling about and being propped in chairs as if they were gentry . ’
21 It 's been dripping for weeks and Timmy 's always falling about in the mud . ’
22 We tried to get them to the door but they kept falling about .
23 The fact of it is nothing to do with seeing it happen — it 's not gasps and blood and falling about — that is n't what makes it death .
24 In the bathroom , Donna had segued clumsily from ‘ I could have danced all night ’ to ‘ I 'm getting married in the morning ’ , her attempts at a Cockney accent so ludicrous that normally Alex would have been falling about .
25 Just watch Michael Crawford walking into a wall or , as usual , falling about … he has all the timing of the professional clown .
26 Muslim festivals are timed according to local sightings of phases of the moon , and fall about 11 days earlier each year .
27 and rise and fall about twelve feet , they tell you in that new book you 've got there , the rise and fall .
28 At the age of seven , they fall about regardless .
29 You only have to mention the word ‘ bottom ’ and at a certain age they fall about with the giggles .
30 You will hurt yourself if you fall about wo n't you ?
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