Example sentences of "lose a " in BNC.

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1 A ballet dancer who does not practise every day loses a lot of skill , as does a musician .
2 This loses a slight degree of sensitivity by not having a dropper shot but usually does the trick of holding the float stationary .
3 Have frightful dream in which Elizabeth Bennett marries Mr Darcy , loses a leg , plays the piano in the nude and is pursued by flock of symbolic sheep from room to room of vast baroque mansion .
4 ‘ I do n't see why it should be any different if a person loses a brain function . ’
5 If he loses a vote of no-confidence in parliament , he could yet try to force such an election , appealing over parliament 's head to the voters — as he did on television this week .
6 By the death , at the age of 66 , of Mr. Philip Henry Thomas which took place after a long illness , on Saturday the 18th instant , at his residence at 13 Rusham Road , Battersea loses a citizen who has been active for 40 years in championing the cause of Liberalism in this borough … .
7 The difference between success and failure is marginal , but if a club goes down , managers lose their jobs , players lose their jobs , the club loses a million pounds .
8 Introduce fixed-term Parliament of four years , with a known date for the next election , subject to an earlier election only if the government loses a special ‘ explicit ’ vote of no confidence .
9 How John Retrieves a Lost Fortune , But Loses a Son
10 London 's water mains leak 29 per cent ( up from 19 per cent in the mid 1960s ) , Birmingham loses a similar amount .
11 The hydrogens are probably removed one by one : first , the methane loses a hydrogen atom to give the methyl radical , CH 3 , and extremely reactive fragment .
12 Lewenthal 's and Danon 's performances , now ( my goodness ! ) thirty years old , were recorded in the teeth of the dehaut-enbas prejudice of the day and , although their earnest approach loses a little spontaneity in the making of their point , they must have taken some of Gershwin 's critics by the scruff of their ears .
13 Every time the monostable output pulses low , transistor TR1 switches on and capacitor C2 loses a substantial amount of its charge via resistor R3 and down to 0V through the emitter of TR1 .
14 Saying ‘ no ’ even if it loses a sale
15 ‘ When someone loses a packet , they just creep silently away . ’
16 One of your children loses a valuable watch .
17 In the Prose Edda , for instance , Aurvandill is a companion of the god Thórr , who loses a toe to frostbite only to have it thrown into the sky to become a star ; as one might have guessed from Christ , ‘ Earendel ’ is the old name of a star or planet .
18 As a result the employer loses a valuable employee .
19 The eventual release loses a Co-Co mix and has a re-edited Ultramarine one instead .
20 If a guest loses a key card or another guest takes over the room a new key card with new code punch holes is issued .
21 Some of his projects , such as Nicaragua , are done for hardly any money and on some of them , he loses a great deal of money .
22 The fact that a child is weaned early ( or undergoes a period of separation , or has minimal brain damage , or loses a parent through death ) will not by itself tell one about the eventual outcome .
23 The team which completes a word loses a point .
24 If the judge accepts it , the challenging team loses a point .
25 Any spelling error can also be challenged : if a word has been spelled wrongly and is challenged , the last team loses a point , not the team that misspelled it .
26 If an agency loses a valuable client spending millions , it may well be necessary to dismiss staff .
27 then it loses a lot of it 's values , yes .
28 When Murphy is shot to pieces by the sadistic Clarence Botticker ( Kurtwood Smith ) and his gang , he loses a hand and then an arm before finally being shot in the head .
29 The sufferer loses a sense of faith , trust , hope and love in himself or herself , in other people and in any form of benevolent God .
30 And there is an indirect contrast , whose significance would have been clear to the early Christian readers , but which loses a little of its impact two thousand years later :
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