Example sentences of "sit up " in BNC.

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1 Once she had sat up naked in his dark digs and recited Robert Graves :
2 Hoomey , in the next desk , was yawning , having sat up late to watch the horror film , and had a comic open on his desk which he was reading whenever his eyes happened to be open .
3 I should have sat up , eyes staring and sweat pouring off my forehead like in some old Hammer Brothers movie .
4 I have sat up all night attempting to watch the fish in the dark with the aid of a torch and the Orange Spot does venture out of the bogwood and hunts around for food .
5 Ruth thought her aunt would have sat up all night to prolong the time with them , but her uncle — who had tried bravely all day to behave as though nothing untoward was happening — put his arms around his wife 's shoulders and led her away to bed .
6 One night we had sat up late while Mum and Dad were at The Golden Cup and had cut up old Christmas decorations into tiny squares and diamonds and then hidden them in envelopes .
7 Dotty had sat up all night assuring him that Dawn was n't his responsibility .
8 She had sat up and was pulling her fingers through the tangled forest .
9 He 'd sat up for most of the night brooding about it , wondering what her reaction to him would be , finally deciding that he could n't wait until the evening to find out .
10 She had sat up that night in her room , sitting on the bed scribbling notes on one of the Shelbourne 's notepads .
11 The Gnomes had gone to considerable trouble ; Culdub and Bith had sat up long hours and consulted books and chronicles and there had been much burning of late candles and worried scurryings to and fro between the Gnomes ' houses in the little mountain village .
12 She had sat up until late learning the brief she had been sent , then snatched three hours before the call came .
13 Ace had sat up and discarded the ice-pack so that he could face her .
14 By the time she 'd sat up and pushed the dishevelled hair out of her eyes he was behind the wheel , and the car was moving forward .
15 Er she 'd sat up er obviously when we moved into the bedroom and from there I 'm not exactly sure what she was doing , in as much as she was n't a threat so therefore perhaps I I did n't pay that much attention to what she was doing .
16 She had sat up and stretched out a hand to lift the receiver when she paused .
17 ‘ It would n't have surprised me if he had sat up and shouted ‘ Geronimo ’ as he went , ’ he said .
18 She had sat up in bed , panicked by the nightmare , weeping .
19 He had sat up then , and they had negotiated .
20 If it had been a Peter Reid type , someone who battles and fights his way through every game as if his very life depended on it , I might have sat up and took a little bit more notice .
21 Yes , it 's a funny old thing , actually I must tell you I feel an awful lot better since I 've passed my I suppose , last Friday I saw a Solicitor and the divorce is now actually sat up on it 's merry way rejoicing , and
22 Times I 've , I 've sat up at the window trying to wa watch her coming round two o'clock in the morning hoping that he 's fallen asleep down in the armchair .
23 It 's easy to sit up here for hours , feeling fresh and invigorated and envying the local people their beautiful surroundings , but we were keen to press on and see a Stone Age burial chamber sited just off the path .
24 She tried to sit up .
25 I get a bit dizzy lying down on the bench , like I 'm falling backwards and I got to sit up for a bit .
26 Tug shrieked and struggled , trying to sit up .
27 That was gone before you 'd even learned to sit Up by yourself . ’
28 Dot struggled to sit up .
29 She put her hands over her ears and walked along the beach , to sit up in the sand dunes , where Gazzer found her … .
30 Ocean needs to keep plugging away , expanding its environmental and distribution interests to really get the City to sit up and take notice .
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