Example sentences of "let it " in BNC.

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1 Then she let it drop again .
2 He let it fall and they ran down through the field after Caspar .
3 Moving the light round the half-circle , he let it rest on the third stone from the mouth of the chamber on the right hand side — the one which had been so prominent in his ‘ photograph ’ .
4 If he let it loose here , his chance of becoming chief would vanish .
5 It was a fantastic round , but really , you know , he let it get away from him .
6 Sometimes she piled it up , sometimes she pulled it forward in a fringe , and sometimes she let it hang straight , like her mother 's .
7 Now she let it down and tied it at the nape of her neck with a scarf .
8 When he let it go the ram trotted off , barging through the other sheep with the lukal bulging out on either side across its ribcage .
9 There was a moment when Nicholas could have released his arrow : he let it pass .
10 She let it fall back into the water when she heard what John had told Larry .
11 then vanished when she let it go .
12 But , in pantomime fashion , he let it fumble from his hands and Clarke could hardly believe his luck as he rolled the ball from into the empty net .
13 She let it rest in his but said nothing .
14 Mrs Frizzell had carefully cultivated her , too , but she let it pass , while Margaret complained that all four children had the measles and that she was going to have to leave them alone if the babysitter did not come soon ; she was not going to miss the dance at the Pinetree Club for worlds , and was dear Donna coming ?
15 Normally , he let it through at 5.43 , except that on that particular Saturday he received it a minute or so late .
16 She let it float around in there , mostly unsecured .
17 So taken with this image was former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher that she let it be known throughout the realm that Marks & Spencer was the place she bought her underwear .
18 But he let it pass .
19 She made no attempts to decorate it , to domesticate it , to possess it ; she let it be , and her things lay in it .
20 She nodded and sipped : he leaned his head forward and she brought the glass to his mouth : he finished it and she let it fall on a bush of discarded clothing as he swooped down with his hand , lifted her dress clear over her waist and then , as she struggled to help him , tugged it over her head .
21 He let it slither down the roof to the building 's guttering .
22 Its significance was lost on him and he let it drop , confused .
23 She let it rest for longer than she should have done and then moved slightly away .
24 Shouldering the gun in the sure knowledge that the Doctor would be seriously pissed off if she let it fall into local hands in this time zone , she drew the grenade from her pockets , and poked her head up just long enough to check the distance .
25 Dulé took the centre of the ring , a finger drum began to pitter-pat , a pair of flutes at different pitches to call and coo ; at the click of a rattle Dulé lifted the ten-foot ladder into a vertical position and balanced it at arm 's length ; facing it , he dropped his head as if to a partner in a dance , placed one foot on the bottom rung and made a feint at climbing , the ladder pitched away from him and he let it fall , to rising laughter from the audience around him .
26 ’ His face creased into a fierce frown of concentration , then he let it go , shaking his head .
27 If she let it , the food would jump into her mouth and swell her up to grossness .
28 He let it go at that , smiling to himself as he suggested to Iris Sunderby that she go up to her room and put her things together .
29 Nonetheless he let it ring , feeling closer to her even through this tenuous connection , because his phone was ringing in her flat .
30 She let it out gently , not wanting to do anything sudden or jerky .
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