Example sentences of "office [art] " in BNC.

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1 They range from the Brookings Institution , with its vast battleship of a building on Massachusetts Avenue , to tiny lobbying outfits with offices the size of a doctor 's waiting room .
2 One of the aims of the RJWG , unrealized until the 1990 legislation , was to unite Jugendpflege and Jugendfürsorge ( youth welfare ) , not by way of creating centralized state provisions , but by giving local youth offices the task of stimulating and supporting the co-ordinated growth of both strands .
3 Some executives of the company wanted to expand into the travel business , but in 1900 the testy head of American Express , James Congdell Fargo , was still adamantly against it , ‘ I will not have gangs of trippers starting off in charabancs from in front of our offices the way they do from Cooks ’ , he stormed .
4 This is because Mrs. Gilmour will be taking the petition along to the district council offices the following day .
5 In the year I had skippered Wavebreaker at least half of our married male charterers had either offered Ellen a job or pressed her to visit their offices the next time she passed through their city .
6 At the NoS offices the champagne corks had been popping .
7 Another regular complaint from journalists is that the PROs concerned are never in their offices the day after they have sent out an important mailing .
8 Organizational structures will tend to favour decentralisation on account of the existence of powerful departmental computer facilities , whilst within offices the trend will be towards the integration of existing services , ie data processing , word processing , voice communication and electronic mail , along the lines suggested in Figure 30.3 in para 29 above .
9 Mecdi has certainly taken Taskopruzade to mean that Molla Fenari held the posts simultaneously , for he adds to Taskopruzade 's statement about his holding the offices the sentence : " He united the aforementioned posts at one time . "
10 More specifically , in most offices the interception and reading of correspondence which seemed a possible source of useful information still continued .
11 When work starts on the offices the car park will be the first area completed to minimise disruption to drivers who regularly use the car park .
12 She works closely with a single A&R Manager and writes weekly reports on everything he sees and hears — which includes the few dozen tapes arriving at Elektra 's offices every week .
13 Over 2 million people visit our local offices every week .
14 A large agency may have in its offices a large number of other departments : information and library , data processing , legal , personnel , art buying , contracts ( with TV and radio actors , personalities , etc. ) , home economics , exhibitions , overseas , direct mail , merchandising and sales promotion , public relations , audio-visual production , secretaries , receptionists , telephonists , and purely ‘ logistic ’ departments such as mailing , messengers and office management .
15 And , with luck , not long after that we will have in our very own editorial offices an electronic excuse for the mistakes that occasionally slide into these pages .
16 Just show your social security office the certificate of pregnancy which you can get from your doctor or midwife .
17 She came to the post office the next evening , and the next , buying tea and a comb of honey from Lizzie the first evening , posting a letter at Annie 's counter on the Friday , waiting till the mail was sorted , each time managing to leave the post office alone with Moran .
18 ‘ Still , you know you 're welcome , ’ she smiled and left him and he was not surprised when she did not come to the post office the next evening or the evening after .
19 She did not go to the post office the next evening or the next .
20 Even as Mrs Thatcher stood triumphant for the third time on the stairs at Central Office the applauding apparatchiks were already honing the knives for the Saatchi team which was blamed for various mid-campaign woes .
21 Mr Jiri Dienstbier , the Forum spokesman , responded coolly to the appointment of the new Prime Minister , Mr Marian Calfa , and said that were the Communist Mr Calfa to remain in office the president would have to be a non-Communist .
22 Marjorie does the books ; their son John runs the shop and helps with the coaching ; his wife Janie does the typing , and when I was in the office the lad who brought in the post said ‘ There you are , Grandad ’ and turned out to be John 's son , James .
23 Before he took office the Defence estimates for 1957-58 were running at £1,700 million .
24 After 14 years in office the state 's Republican governor , Mr Jim Thompson , is standing down .
25 These rules still exist ( see pp. 146–8 ) , but they have been supplemented by statutory provisions which enable a trader to acquire by registration at the Patent Office the exclusive right to use a distinctive trade mark in connection with his goods .
26 On returning to his office the following Monday , Mark was surprised to find that it was now occupied by visiting American auditors .
27 Next morning , Dot was surprised when Gloria got up early and left for the Housing Applicant Office the same time as she went to school .
28 In the Adjutant 's office the routine was beginning to become boring .
29 As for North , ‘ he would either go to jail or be decorated ’ , Secord used to say to Hakim ; and McFarlane told him — as he sat jet-lagged and exhausted in his office the night after a gruelling Iranian session in Frankfurt — that ‘ if the world only knew how many times you have kept a semblance of integrity and gumption to US policy , they would make you Secretary of State . ’
30 A few hundred yards away at Conservative Central Office the mood has been more subdued , though not defeatist .
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