Example sentences of "together for " in BNC.

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1 Artists who group together for financial reasons may choose a name which is no more explanatory than a number or numbers .
2 T. Behrens 's book commemorates a young couple who lived together for seventeen years in a solitude à deux and who then took their own lives — incompetently and lingeringly .
3 The selected ‘ A ’ squad then works together for the targeted event by means of a series of residential training sessions .
4 Immediate first aid for a bleeding nose is to tilt the head back and pinch the nostrils together for as long as it takes .
5 They carried timber together for a while after that , one at each end of the planks , eyeing each other with set little smiles .
6 They had worked together for several years and the elder of them readily agreed to help supply the other 's son if he went into hiding in the woods above Eastertyre .
7 The gods had drawn them together , and together for 10 years or so they would make music , exploring the world and themselves , unharried by outside pressures , responding only to the more meaningful pressures of life and love .
8 His wife , Shirley , believed we 'd been brought together for a reason and , after a while , she reckoned my sight would be healed .
9 Secure the wire ends by twisting them together for a short distance to prevent the turns trying to unwind themselves .
10 The fact that so many of them played together for the Lions will be an important help . ’
11 The ‘ programmes ’ put together for visits organised by President Jose Eduardo dos Santos ' government rarely include stops at the ‘ Candonga ’ , or parallel market , whose high prices have fostered such names as Tira Bikini ( take off your underwear ) or Cala Boca ( shut up ) .
12 An hour later the village bobby was let into the house by Mr Lawson , and shortly afterwards they emerged together for the Chancellor to give the message the world 's money markets had been waiting for .
13 If I were to begin to manage another major artist , and Mark Knopfler were to ring up and ask me to get the band back together for an album and a world tour , something would have to suffer .
14 Aware of American dislike of centralized control , he confined his remarks to generalities about open trade welding nations together for mutual benefit .
15 by a central Government of the Protectorate as a whole with no part of the country dominating any other part but all working together for the good of the whole Protectorate and the progress of its people .
16 We do n't have to go out together for years .
17 If there are 38 of them on the line , 38 go together for ten minutes and then , of course , the line stops .
18 The brake and clutch are too close together for my modest size sevens , and there 's a huge foot-rest where I would normally expect a clutch pedal .
19 When two families start living together for whatever reason , everyone has a new role to play and , until new house rules have been established , the children are bound to feel insecure , jealous and anxious .
20 When two humans have lived together for many years it usually happens that each has tones of voice and expressions of face which are almost unendurably irritating to the other .
21 They worked together for six months in project planning and Brown took a teaching job at the Strathclyde Business School which also allowed him to keep looking for hotel sites .
22 Now 45 people had joined together for 2 hours of fun .
23 ‘ We 've always been really good friends but had n't worked together for a long time .
24 For when Erik and her husband , Trevor , from Oxford , eventually decided to tie the knot after living together for eight years , the prospect of a conventional white wedding did n't even enter their heads .
25 EVERY six months , the Labour council leaders represented in the Association of London Authorities get together for beer and sandwiches with Sir Peter Imbert .
26 Aid on a similar scale is also being put together for Hungary .
27 This fine actor 's last work will be pieced together for his family .
28 We marched together to and from Aldermaston , we worked together for co-operative socialism , we campaigned together for health , welfare , employment , education and housing in our ‘ inner city ’ constituencies .
29 We marched together to and from Aldermaston , we worked together for co-operative socialism , we campaigned together for health , welfare , employment , education and housing in our ‘ inner city ’ constituencies .
30 ‘ We 've discussed the idea of continental championships in each of the disciplines and bringing the best skiers together for a Masters final late in the season .
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