Example sentences of "happen with " in BNC.

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1 Yet this is exactly what is happening and it is also happening with the schools in a reactive stance .
2 ‘ It was the biggest small ramp of its time and there was always a good long hard grinding session happening with all my bros from near and far . ’
3 If you can tell him what 's happening with the other players he 's happy because then he knows what there is to do .
4 This is a very brief overview of some of the aspects of Homoeopathy and a view of the world which may help to shed a little light on what is happening with a person 's health .
5 When it flies away it may be Pursued until it has left the vicinity — as is happening with this beleaguered golden eagle being chased by a group of aggressive ravens .
6 It was happening with a few students because I was still teaching for two or three months after ‘ Surfing ’ was released .
7 I reported the drop to Warton and asked what was happening with the rescue efforts .
8 Another type of chart helps parents begin to stand back from the emotional reactions they have and see what is happening with their child .
9 A family with more than one child may be so chaotic at meal-times that the mother is too pre-occupied with feeding the youngest that she fails to see what is happening with the others .
10 If you play professional tennis , then it is even more important to have good technique because I am always saying that in a draw of 64 or 128 people , they are all watching how you play and of course they will find out what is happening with your game .
11 The impression of IBM Corp , Digital Equipment Corp and their ilk lining up like lambs to the slaughter may seem hard to credit for customers that have been driven to accept very hard bargains , but that is what appears to be happening with this Gadarene rush by the major manufacturers to get into the facilities management business in the US : we understand that many of the savings and loans , banks and securities houses that have gratefully accepted offers by the majors to run their data processing operations for them has little to do with saving money over the term of the contract , much to do with their urgent need for cash upfront to repair their ravaged balance sheets — the key attraction of the deals being the money paid at the start of the contract for the data processing facilities ; if the customers are in that much need of cash , chances are that many of them wo n't be around in five or seven years ' time , so that having spent good money for computers they do n't need , the facilities managers will be left with idle installations and contracts with no residual value .
12 It 's hard to figure out what exactly is happening with Hunter Systems Inc , Palo Alto , California , since nobody 's returning phone calls : we did manage to find out that its venture capitalist Technology Funding Venture Partners IV in San Mateo , California bought back Hunter 's debt at that auction staged last week ( CI No 2,147 ) — presumably no money really changed hands , and it now owns all of Hunter — but is the company still in business ?
13 They 've only been elected to nineteen ninety two , so they 're , they 're really , what there doing there forcing people to take some action now , because at Kathy says , she 's afraid of being left out , if there should be a , another Tory Government , so a lot of people are in the same position , they will be putting in eh , I think they just call it best of interest , not a proper application , but then if the whole lot , hundreds of us come along , which is quite likely they will , the Government will say well this proves that everybody wants to become you see , so it 's rather clever move , erm , as , as far as I 'm concerned , what 's happening with that she is eh here within the hospital , the consultant 's and the worker 's in the hospital .
14 ‘ I say what 's happening with the Bloods and the Crips is the same thing that 's happening with the protestants and catholics in Northern Ireland , which is the same thing that 's happening in South Africa where different tribes fight each other .
15 ‘ I say what 's happening with the Bloods and the Crips is the same thing that 's happening with the protestants and catholics in Northern Ireland , which is the same thing that 's happening in South Africa where different tribes fight each other .
16 I am not convinced that what is going on is a ‘ compensatory ’ secondary circuit of capital parallel to industrial production , but something is happening with residential and retail land development which appears to be separate from industrial production .
17 What 's happening with the door-to-door ?
18 " First go and find out what 's happening with those crazy priests up in Torajaland , " he told us .
19 So what 's what 's happening with the chlorine then ?
20 Right great and what happens what seems to be happening with a base and an acid or an acid and a base ?
21 What I believe you should be concerned with is what the erm persons I represent , bodies I represent , now wish to see happening with regard to these two sites .
22 The last thing I wanted when I was so worried about what was happening with my own daughter was to spend my sentence surrounded by pregnant women .
23 ‘ What 's happening with the negotiations , Mahmoud ? ’
24 Furthermore , the original intention of the 1984 Act was that the burden of proof should rest on potential proprietors to demonstrate suitability , and Harman and Harman claim that the reverse of this is happening with local authorities having to prove unsuitability .
25 Erm you know the difficult thing for me is when I 'm working with people who 've actually been given no notice at all , and that 's happening with lots of organizations where on Friday you 're suddenly told you 've got no job , but your pension 's available .
26 We can see this process happening with different plates of the Australian Diamond Firetail finch .
27 Exactly the same thing 's happening with them in terms of privatization , market testing .
28 ‘ Let me outline what 's happening with the firm at present and you can begin to gather your thoughts . ’
29 And that 's what 's happening with the council you see .
30 In order to keep the level of inflation down , will he have a look at what is happening with the six major grocery chains , the increased share of the margins that they are getting and the fact that their margins are now twice the level found in the major grocery chains throughout Europe ?
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