Example sentences of "allow [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The hot water cylinder is , in fact , used as the ‘ heat sink ’ for many solid fuel boiler systems allowing somewhere for excess heat to be dissipated ( sometimes a bathroom towel rail is used for the same purpose ) .
2 The Supreme Soviet passed legislation on May 29 allowing wholly foreign-owned companies to operate in the Soviet Union .
3 Has any consideration been given to allowing right hon. and hon. Members to express an opinion on that matter , either on the Floor of the House or in European Standing Committee B ?
4 Misgivings had been expressed by many deputies , however , principally about allowing less than two weeks for preparation and discussion of such an important piece of legislation .
5 It is just a shame we do n't treat our fellow human beings so well , rather than allowing so many to go hungry .
6 Future generations are likely to deplore the way current societies are allowing so much of their heritage to be destroyed without record .
7 Jehan was used to the kind of council at which nearly everything was decided before the participants sat down to talk , and he wondered why Alexei was allowing so much disruption and argument .
8 By the morning of the game the sports shops of Paris were locked , with staff supervising the doors , allowing only two people at a time into the shop .
9 A healthy aura is rather like a filter , allowing only that which is beneficial to affect us ; this is what it should achieve in a well-balanced person .
10 There was row upon row of rooms and carpeted corridors , revealed by their tensely-held torches , the ghostly yellow pools of light allowing only the objects that slid in and out of them to be examined .
11 He will present MPs with three options — total deregulation , limited opening times , or allowing only shops selling ‘ emergency ’ supplies to open .
12 Party chairman John Evans , backed by union leaders , wants a return to the tradition allowing only NEC members to speak from the platform .
13 Because of this , successful systems tend to be speaker dependent , allowing only isolated words , and have small vocabularies ( Holmes , 1988 ) .
14 The following table shows experimental results summed for four writers using this calculated mean letter width figure , allowing only those candidate words which are within ±1 of the calculated word length .
15 The beam-'em-ups are very two -dimensional , allowing only simple left-right movement .
16 But Henry II took into his own hands the county of Cornwall and all the Earl 's estates in England , Wales and Normandy and kept them to provide for his youngest son John , allowing only a small portion to go to Reginald 's daughters .
17 Section 36(5) stresses his independence allowing only minimal involvement at an earlier stage of the investigation .
18 The law is far too complex to justify a policy of allowing only advice and assistance .
19 Sometimes , even on the strictest of diets , allowing only a few hundred calories per day , it seems impossible to shift even a small amount of weight per week .
20 The unexplained gap between the pay of 26-year-old men and women was 51 per cent allowing only for educational background and employment experience , or 38 per cent allowing also for information on job characteristics .
21 An important clue was his reading of Malthus on population , which allowed him to see that the ‘ struggle for existence ’ caused by population pressure would act within the species , killing off any individuals who were not well adapted to the conditions and allowing only the ‘ fittest ’ ( i.e. best-adapted ) individuals to survive and breed .
22 In particular the set of expression values is likely to be much restricted ( perhaps allowing only the Boolean values 0 and 1 ) .
23 The explanation might be that a probable leak at the tight junction is relative , allowing only small molecules to pass into the intercellular space .
24 In Britain , gene transplants like Carly 's have been limited by the ethics committee to operations which produce changes that will not be passed on to future generations — effectively allowing only treatments little different in ethical terms from ordinary organ transplants .
25 The new digital telephone lines now becoming common have higher band width while special data links have still bigger band widths allowing much larger amounts of data to be transmitted per second .
26 Plotting functions encourage experimentation , allowing not only trials of equations other than that selected as optimum , but also zooming parts of plots to amplify relevance of the fit and resizing the graph to judge extrapolation effects .
27 Artegall himself is rendered helpless when he loses self-control through Radigund 's allurements , allowing not only himself to be debased but the continuance of a disorderly Amazonian government .
28 But until we have a system that allows properly resourced public access to organisations such as UKIAS , we can not have a system that precludes people from seeking independent legal advice from private firms of solicitors .
29 Either way it allows rather better continuity of instruction — frequently advocated by user education librarians .
30 Within a subject the system allows little note to be taken of the level or function of material .
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