Example sentences of "nothing come " in BNC.

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1 And nothing come to stay .
2 ‘ I put it to you , ’ some old goat would bleat from under his wig , ‘ that these scheming , unprincipled charlatans , stopping at nothing to come by their ill-gotten gains , forged the very hand of a peer of the realm in a dastardly conspiracy to frustrate the worthy efforts of their local benefactor . ’
3 Inspired , yes , by a bus run , but the booler is definitely my own husband who is devoted to sport and allows nothing to come in the way of his bowls , both indoor and outdoor bowling .
4 I do n't come home because there 's nothing to come home for , that 's why .
5 Nothing to come home to for some .
6 She guessed it was pretty obvious that she had nothing to come back with when , his expression grimmer than ever , ‘ We 'll finish this conversation inside , ’ he clipped , and although Fabia would by far have preferred that he simply hand over her car keys and let her go on her way , she realised that there were some responsibilities in life which you just could n't duck .
7 But in the face of Treasury and Ministry of Food objections , nothing came of this .
8 Nothing came of it ; the developers were not interested in the Simpson ideas .
9 ‘ I did think that there was something between her and Peter Yeo — her partner — but nothing came of it .
10 Nothing came of his enquiries and the first ten days of October passed uneventfully with his praise of Helen 's ‘ lovely portion of that maidenliness which you shall never lose ’ .
11 He popped up alongside Phil Collins in an early episode of Miami Vice , but nothing came of it .
12 ‘ Some people might say nothing came of our talks , ’ Khrushchev remembered later , ‘ My answer to that is yes and no .
13 Nothing came of this love , but it might have been more tactful , in the aftermath of Phoebe 's tragic death , for Thomson to have used pseudonyms .
14 Nothing came of it in 1545 , though in June French troops arrived to give the Scots temporary assistance against the English .
15 Seventeen years later the Congregational Union 's Executive called for a Nonconformist equivalent but nothing came of it .
16 Nothing came .
17 According to Foujita , the dealer 's ‘ method ’ was ‘ to sit reading a paper on the esplanade or to go into hotels , presumably with a rendezvous with a duke or some important person , but nothing came of all this ’ .
18 In political and diplomatic terms nothing came from the meetings , which , given the absence of the Austrian Emperor and the unfortunate incident involving Alexander II , is hardly surprising , and it is doubtful if Napoleon III really expected anything concrete to emerge .
19 Nothing came along immediately and ahead were a couple of lean years .
20 Nothing came of it until 1968 , by which time Larner had achieved additional fame as speech-writer for the anti-war Democrat Senator Eugene McCarthy , as he made his challenge against Lyndon Johnson for the Democratic presidential nomination .
21 In real life , too , there was an intention ( perhaps stronger on her side than his ) that he should marry his landlady 's daughter , but nothing came of that because , on returning to Johannesburg , Herbert met Grace , who was in fact to become his first.wife and John 's mother .
22 The whereabouts of Flaxman 's death mask was not known , and nothing came of the suggestion .
23 Although some practitioners advocated the purchase of a farm , where students could learn about the practicalities of management and disease , nothing came of it .
24 It was proposed that the College should attempt systematically to buy in diseased animals , perhaps appointing a special member of staff for that purpose , but nothing came of this , nor of a linked suggestion that students ' fees should be increased to allow relevant staff increases .
25 Nothing came of it as unfortunately she was not photogenic .
26 In fact nothing came of this threat and there is no further reference to it .
27 Nothing came back .
28 Nothing came of AID 's protest , however : the film still contains the word ‘ wop ’ , although you have to listen very hard for it .
29 Nothing came of this , and its first appearance , brought up to date , was as an appendix to my book A Treatise on the Novel ( 1947 ) .
30 ‘ He has talked about it before and nothing came of it , ’ she said .
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