Example sentences of "already the " in BNC.

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1 Already the other Tetley Heritage Pub in York , The Swan , is out on lease to an independent retailing chain .
2 He was always impressed with Leonard 's room , which he found to resemble more a study than a youth 's bedroom — already the style was evident .
3 Already the new world was not easily reduced to one thing .
4 It is well established that any Palestinian delegates must be acceptable to all parties : if this were not already the case , the Palestinian delegation would be made up of PLO members .
5 Already the mayors at either end of the Bridge , Art Agnos ( Giants ) and Lionel Wilson ( Athletics ) , have taken time out from civic duties to place ritual side bets with each other on the outcome .
6 By noon the rain had stopped and already the trees and grass in the orchard were almost dry as the hot sun shone through the leaves .
7 Thus not long after the start of NEP , in a province as sleepy as Kursk , we find already the seeds of socio-economic decay , from a Marxist point of view ( Yakovlev 's ) , leading to possible political difficulties for the centre .
8 They would not be tied to the goods of donor countries , and all funds from national sources should be in the form of grants ( already the case for a majority of donors ) .
9 The CA advises that all tools should come with printed instructions — already the policy of the Hire Association of Europe .
10 The trees whose branches met and interwove above his head were apples and pears and already the young green fruit hung abundantly .
11 Already the tanks ahead were in action and it seemed as though they had made contact with , and destroyed the majority of the enemy flank guard .
12 It is five o'clock in the morning , but already the sun has crept over the horizon and the temperature is rising .
13 Already the Society has 29 priests and over a hundred seminarians .
14 Television will infiltrate into the national consciousness even more copiously than is already the case the personalities of the two main party leaders .
15 Already the opposition has united to set up a working group on immigration , with a view to formulating a new bill .
16 ‘ BR fares are already the highest in Europe , but further increases of this scale will be inevitable without a change in Government policy , ’ he added .
17 Already the former Everton manager is being linked with old colleagues such as Peter Reid , Adrian Heath and Kevin Sheedy , plus Mark Hughes and Scott Sellars .
18 JUST last week , General Manuel Noriega , already the supreme ruler of Panama , had himself named head of government and ‘ maximum leader for national liberation ’ by his personally appointed legislature , which went on to pronounce the country to be in a ‘ state of war ’ with the United States .
19 Already the FIS is discussing whether it should start the European season in Scandinavia , these days more reliably enjoying early snow , then move down to Central Europe to artificial-snow centres .
20 Already the Australian team are 64 points , or 13 places in the long final race , behind Britain , the 1985 winners .
21 Glasgow , already the host for many of the UK 's most innovative arts events , hopes to go one better in 1990 , combining commercial and publicly-funded activity in a year-long cultural feast .
22 In most developing countries , private ownership is already the rule .
23 The racial mixture was soon to be sharpened , as the mid-century railway boom got under way , by new waves of immigrants from Ireland , the Forest of Dean , Herefordshire , and Somerset , but already the social , political , and religious pattern of the new South Wales and the eastern valleys of Monmouthshire had been firmly set for another century .
24 Yet signs are not wanting that the mental effort of doing so is one which will become more and more difficult as the memory of the distinct courts of Law and Equity dies out ; and perhaps already the unified jurisdiction of the High Court , and the statutes which have codified certain branches of Common Law and Equity , have produced some results which could hardly have been given by any combination of proceedings in the separate courts , or by the development of the law solely by means of cases decided in them .
25 Looking out of the car window , we notice that the storm is over and already the streets are dry again .
26 Already the collapse of the old East German regime has resulted in some unlikely new uses for former government property .
27 Queen Elizabeth is already the longest-serving monarch of the twentieth century , and may possibly be on the throne even longer than Victoria .
28 Already the story was becoming melodrama .
29 Were they already the best of friends ?
30 But already the whole scheme was looking increasingly doubtful .
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