Example sentences of "happy for " in BNC.

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1 But this time I 've come to — hopefully — make things happier for everybody .
2 However , in the world of Orwell 's 1984 there may be people who although sure that the events abolished by official historiography did happen , are not so sure that the experiences treasured in memory keep the value which official propaganda degrades ; they might be happier for the assurance that , in the sense that it remains true that an event happened even if universally forgotten an experience remains good even if in universally shrinking awareness there will never again be anyone capable of appreciating it .
3 That it would make life a lot happier for Manningham if he closed the deal at the price offered .
4 Certainly life would be happier for many more people , for there would be less neurosis , not least among women , if such a change could occur .
5 ( ‘ We have done our work , let the children play in the world which our work had made safer and happier for them ’ , as Tovey puts it . )
6 He may be right — he seems like a zombie when he 's on them , but then about a month after he stops having the regular injections he gets happier for a while , then gradually all the funny ideas begin again .
7 er perhaps if they took that off and subsidised the buses then er it would be a little happier for people travelling to Bicester .
8 I shall be happy for the fellow who takes my place . ’
9 The Soviets , however , seem happy for families to stay at Star City for the whole 18 months .
10 Apart from carrying enough controlled substances in his G-string to keep Spain happy for a year , Tanit has the divine attribute of being everywhere at once .
11 The arrangement was that they were happy for members of the family to come into the business and , in a sense , find their own level .
12 He 's happy for me and proud of me , too . ’
13 ACHINESE proverb has it that if you want to be happy for a week , get married ; for a month , kill a pig ; for a lifetime , plant a garden .
14 Racing : Richard Baerlein summarises the best of today 's betting prospects Smart Tar on course for Mandarin THE MANDARIN Handicap Chase , now sponsored by Save and Prosper , has many happy memories for some and not so happy for others .
15 As middlemen since then , the Iranians and the Russians have pushed the UN further into the background and , at least until peace really does break out , the Americans have been happy for it to stay there .
16 And so for that time we live now , both of us , and we are perfectly happy , and the waiting is not weary , but good and happy for us both .
17 I must learn to sublimate my desire for my own perch by feeling happy for Aunt Louise sitting there .
18 In summer an artificial grass rug comes out of the garden shed for the children to roll about on and a wooden sandpit , brought in Germany , keeps them happy for hours .
19 ‘ There was nothing I wanted , ’ she said , ‘ I was quite happy for you to have them , Dorothea .
20 I am happy for you .
21 The producers wanted to ensure the film was a hit in the States , they too were happy for Charlie to call the shots .
22 I have n't been able to explain this to Dr Grossman , because he would n't understand , but you will understand , and I hope be happy for me .
23 Some , like the Ramblers ' Association , are happy for the guides , which they describe as ‘ historic pieces of literature ’ , to be reprinted as they are .
24 It was then that the club 's management co-operative gave Mr Stringer so much support , and the relationship is now reciprocated with Mr Stringer only too happy for the role of coaches Dave Williams and Mike Walker to be appreciated .
25 Sir Robin tells me that Mr Kinnock is quite happy for this statement to be made public .
26 The party 's best-known candidate , Alessandra Mussolini , the Duce 's grand-daughter , said yesterday : ‘ I 'm very happy for the MSI , even if I still do n't know if I 've been elected ’ .
27 I never wilted and was proud of my fighting qualities when I was looking for survival and happy for any form of success .
28 Of the husbands 75% were happy for wives to attend in their places but 25% were not happy .
29 They were blissfully happy for the next two or three years .
30 He too was happy for us to continue our journey — no photographs , of course — and there was every reason why he should have been .
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