Example sentences of "scheme would " in BNC.

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1 A centralised scheme would disrupt existing relationships between BIIBA members and their insurers , and lose them valuable financial advantages such as a no claims bonus .
2 Christopher Bland , the chairman , said the scheme would place LWT in an ideal position when it comes to rebidding for its Independent Television franchise in 1992 .
3 For example , some hunting and gathering peoples , who according to their scheme would not be expected to have slavery , seem to have had large numbers of slaves .
4 The Government 's scheme would offer all eligible students , defined as those on higher education courses lasting at least one academic year , an annual loan of £420 tapering to £310 in the final year .
5 But Mr Parkinson pointed out yesterday that , while such a scheme would fail if all those motorists currently using the capital were willing to pay , a charge .
6 any scheme would fall down if all existing motorists into the capital agreed to meet the £3 — £4 charge .
7 He said the gross cost of the scheme would be £150million , but the liquidators expected to be able to return over £60million and the net cost would be reduced still further if sums were received from third parties .
8 A points scheme would enable a maxium of 50,000 heads of households , plus their dependants , to be awarded full British citizenship without having to leave Hong Kong .
9 For the Liberal Democrats , Mr David Steel said the scheme would fail to provide the assurances that would enable people to stay in Hong Kong and would ‘ involve so many arbitrary choices , where X will be chosen instead of Y ’ which would be ‘ very unacceptable ’ .
10 Lord Boyd-Carpenter said that criticism was unhappily ‘ not confined to the other side ’ and it would be many years before the scheme would bear fruit .
11 The scheme would create up to 5,000 jobs during the five years of construction , beginning in 1994 .
12 The MacSharry scheme would enrage these farmers and reduce the budgetary payments that Britain gets from the CAP .
13 Apart from guaranteeing the independence of central bankers , the scheme would also usefully encourage them in those habits of prudence and careful husbandry which are so necessary to their calling .
14 Mr Cameron thinks his scheme would produce cleaner air , fewer cars and a 7mph increase in average driving speeds .
15 The British Rail scheme would certainly cost less than the old plan as it now proposed a single-track tunnel , not a twin tunnel .
16 The cost of any scheme would be very large and I should make clear now that the Government can not contemplate funding expenditure on this scale from public funds .
17 The Chancellor 's minute maintained that the abolition of SERPS and the introduction of a new scheme would add to public spending .
18 For the District , perennially in financial difficulties , the £500 annual Carnegie grant over a three-year period was accepted on the understanding that the Bedfordshire Scheme would be financially self-sufficient.The scheme was welcomed by the LEA and the Cambridge Extra-Mural Board and a Cambridge teacher and part-time WEA tutor , Harold Shearman , was appointed .
19 The proposed scheme would give fixed targets for improving the quality of individual stretches of water by specified dates .
20 Bush 's scheme would brighten prospects for nuclear power by granting companies a single licence to build and operate nuclear plants .
21 Moscow to Nakhodka , St Petersburg to Vladivostok — however one measured it , that scheme would be wellnigh 6,000 miles long , compared with a mere 3,420 for New York to Los Angeles or 3,500 miles for the never-completed Cape to Cairo .
22 David calmly pointed out that the scheme would have been pointless if the ‘ enemy ’ had known of our intentions .
23 I suggest that the proposed scheme would have the following advantages :
24 SAVE and many others ( including the prince of Wales who compared the proposed building to ‘ a glass stump better suited to downtown Chicago ’ ) believed the new scheme would be simply disastrous .
25 But in years 4 and 5 , the years that in other schools would be devoted to working for the GCSE with continuously assessed course-work , and when the TVEI scheme would also be introduced , we are told nothing whatever about examinations , only that the pupils will not have a wide choice of subjects .
26 This scheme would call for 10 hydroelectric plants along a 1,000 km stretch of river and would be one of the largest ever hydro-electric undertakings .
27 The whole scheme would involve the placing of a ‘ solar sail , 10 kilometres by 5 kilometres in size , in geostationary orbit 23,000 miles out from the earth where the sun would never be out of sight .
28 In the Offer for Sale document published at the time of the Company 's flotation in 1986 , it was stated that in due course consideration would be given to the introduction of a Share Option Scheme for Executive Directors and senior management but that no such scheme would be operated without the prior approval of shareholders and in any event not before 1988 at the earliest .
29 They would be used where voluntary management agreements fail and an environmentally damaging agricultural intensification scheme would proceed in its absence .
30 However , such a scheme would never wash with the public — who wants their water supplies to have been treated this way ?
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