Example sentences of "too bad " in BNC.

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1 Ahmed 's revenge is too bad to be condemned by the writer , who condemns his taste in furniture , and who condemns Jane .
2 Too bad Henry Phipps happened to mention your father 's debts to that chinless wonder you had on the string .
3 ‘ I noticed a teaching job in Sheffield that did n't look too bad . ’
4 ‘ Try some , and then if you do n't like it , well it 's too bad you know . ’
5 ‘ Not too bad .
6 ‘ Not too bad . ’
7 ‘ Not too bad .
8 And , in the end , if much of the promise is still unfulfilled , in his own words , ‘ I ai n't done too bad .
9 The porridge tasted very good ( 48-hour ration pack style ) and hard tack biscuits ground down into the tea , not too bad .
10 It would be too bad if the Panzers overran our positions and we were found to be in our stocking feet .
11 Too bad about Sid .
12 ‘ Do n't take it too bad , Piper , ’ he continued .
13 As I approached , a Corporal remarked ‘ Too bad about Lovat , Piper .
14 The nun thinks we did n't do too bad . ’
15 It ai n't too bad .
16 It ai n't too bad — you know , with the sleeping bag and the electric fire and that , but I still feel miserable .
17 I do n't feel too bad now — I 'm pretty hungry , but I 'm warm enough .
18 It smells a bit , but it ai n't too bad .
19 I do n't feel too bad — my legs ache and I got a sort of tight feeling in my tummy , but apart from that I 'm OK .
20 ‘ The weather might be too bad , anyway . ’
21 His sang-froid comes so naturally that , when death seems imminent , he remarks : ‘ It seems too bad that just when we get to where there 's a fortune in diamonds , the mountain should decide to sit down on it . ’
22 I 'd want to vote for the official candidate , but Frank 's not done too bad , ’ said Mr Dean .
23 One City analyst said he thought Mr Ritblat would not be deterred by ‘ a little setback ’ and that the original offer was not too bad being a tax-efficient distribution of British Land assets to shareholders .
24 The weather forecast was not too bad , either , except that the heavy recent downpours might lead to the cracking of some water , or even gas , mains .
25 With my guitar , I was trying to sound like Lightning Hopkins and John Lee Hooker and people like this , and we just thought … ‘ this sounds OK ’ , and it did n't sound too bad at the time .
26 If somebody does n't like the truth then it 's too bad .
27 Yes , it is too bad about the Kuwaitis ; but oil is a commodity and Iraq will have to sell it just as Kuwait did .
28 The left one 's not too bad , but the right one 's ridiculous .
29 Looking back at that period , the crucial difference in Conservative politicians was between those who thought that the last twenty or thirty years had not been too bad , and who were sceptical that anything better could be achieved , and those who hoped that something better could be won and saw the last quarter of a century as a slow but steady decline .
30 We are not in the business of popularity ; it is too bad if others do not like the cross .
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