Example sentences of "these reason " in BNC.

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1 Amazingly enough , all these reasons were found acceptable by the judge .
2 For these reasons , when tackling the problem of gardening in the shade it is important to choose plants proficient at extracting energy from limited sunlight .
3 Research on policing in divided societies is especially likely to provoke suspicion about its reliability for these reasons .
4 The most obvious of these reasons are political ones , in the pure , party , vote-catching sense of that term .
5 Indeed overall , he says surprisingly little about Grace and next to nothing about the sacramental life ; for these reasons one might regret the title which he gave to the three books gathered into one — Mere Christianity — for it implies that he has written a sort of mini-Summa or encyclopaedia of theology .
6 For all these reasons , bank-loan growth will be as low as 6% this year , suggests another broker , W.I. Carr , compared with 20% in 1990 .
7 All these reasons serve to explain why this study concentrates mainly upon the attitudes to death that prevailed in the middle-class , whose irresistible rise was so prominent a feature of the nineteenth century .
8 In considering whether these reasons are strong enough , we should not neglect the fact that some offences of manslaughter lie well above the lower boundaries of liability and fall little short of murder .
9 For all of these reasons , and unlike the earlier biblical period , only men were allowed to perform the operation ( see Kidd .
10 For these reasons it is necessary for you to check catalogues carefully to make sure the trees you order are compatible , or you could grow self-fertile varieties that do not need cross-pollination .
11 In trying to pinpoint these reasons , it will help if you think of diet attempts in three distinct parts .
12 For all these reasons , the ‘ Führer myth ’ could not be dismantled instantaneously , but underwent a lengthy process of decline accompanying the gradual but chequered disillusionment and alienation of the mass of the population .
13 For these reasons it seems that it is not so much that people are making more of a fuss about bereavement these days but rather that the traditional ways of coping with it are not readily available , so that alternative ways of supporting people have to be found .
14 for all these reasons , coins are an essential tool for the archaeologist and the historian in extending our knowledge of the past .
15 For these reasons Magharba and Zuwaya who were not tribally minded stayed away : voters who regarded themselves as modernizing were silent , and the turn-out was somewhat lower than would otherwise have been the case .
16 For all these reasons , the education of women came in the category of voluntaristic innovations strongly desired by government — into the category of social improvements which relied on the example and inspiration of individuals .
17 For these reasons — their pattern of settlement , the ease , low cost and low risk of meeting obligations — Zuwaya were able to still think of themselves as nomads : they were wrong , but from time to time they could and did regard some of their social arrangements as unchanging , inert .
18 For precisely these reasons , there was a well-developed sub-stratum of social and political control at local level in the kingdom at large ; and when people are accustomed to running affairs without any monarch at all , then the advent of a female ruler might well not be a substantial cause for concern .
19 For these reasons it is often difficult in many cases to trace a single primary source .
20 For these reasons — internal constraint , changing circumstance , and chance — natural selection does not lead inexorably towards ‘ perfection ’ , or ( apparently ) to any predestined goal .
21 For all these reasons , there is some mixing , though it occurs more at some times of year ( during the winter storms ) than at others .
22 For these reasons supplements for 7 night holidays may be different from a 10 night holiday , and sometimes a 10 or 11 night holiday may have a higher supplement than a 14 night holiday .
23 Other governments have viewed the spontaneous housing settlements as wretched areas , which not only house society 's drop-outs , but are also breeding grounds for crime and radical political activity The Brazilian government has tried to eradicate the squatter settlements for these reasons , which is especially the case in Rio de Janeiro , because of the added factor that it is an international tourist centre and the favelas are so visible on the steep hillsides behind the luxury hotels and beaches .
24 For these reasons , and together with the appearance of a number of wealthy families in the village , Blockley joined the silk industry at a time of great expansion for the industry .
25 It is merely action for some of these reasons which is excluded .
26 Though some of these reasons are currently out of fashion in discussions of political authority I believe they all have their role to play , though some are more important in some societies than in others .
27 It presupposes a reasonable belief in the existence of some other reasons for which consent is valid in some circumstances and the misled person 's mistaken belief that these reasons apply to his case .
28 For all these reasons , American stations were ‘ over-built ’ , provided with an external scale and an internal grandeur in the lavishness of their facilities and ornamentation which far exceeded strictly functional requirements .
29 She was , of course , crying for none of these reasons .
30 Any attempt , in the period between the two World Wars , to raise the school-leaving age or to provide secondary education on a more generous scale was for these reasons bound to encounter sustained political opposition .
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