Example sentences of "well put " in BNC.

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1 Now we 'd better put some distance between us and here .
2 For a start , we 'd better put these words on a high shelf ; in a square box behind glass which we have to break with our elbow ; in the bank .
3 We 'd better put something on there . "
4 I better put this in the draw as well , otherwise otherwise my antenatal , antenatal clinic later , dad 's
5 You 'd better put them in touch with me . ’
6 totally ridiculous , erm so you know I said to Keith , well you know alright York races , better put that in and a you know I started getting
7 So , I think possibly a little more thought in the actual , I think the actual shape of the girl there , the way she 's actually sitting is fine , but er it , it looks as if she 's been propped up with , you know , you better put this stool under your foot to hold that up and put this crutch under your arm to hold that up and
8 Perhaps you 'd better put some clothes back on . ’
9 We do n't know why it was this little sort of dip , that reproduces you know , the configuration of it but why it was there , we do n't know , we thought we better put it back since it was there .
10 better put her seat-y belt on then had n't she ?
11 We better put the news on at four , just before four .
12 upstairs , you better put them altogether .
13 I better put er Well Kath and Frank wo n't be coming , I told you did n't I ?
14 where 's your pull over ? , you better put that on
15 Better put down , having meal .
16 You better put that , yeah .
17 Anyway I 'd better put some more in yours
18 I think you better put them back where you found them do n't you ?
19 I 'll put all them in , I better put my queen in .
20 Well I 'd better put the duvet in the wash then .
21 Right come on Chris let's go , in fact run upstairs and put that on your bed quickly , come on , double away better put that woman 's gloves somewhere safe did you take that change that was lying there , well Matt I 'll need some for his dinner , oh , no alright Laura
22 You 'd better put something on it .
23 mm , mm yeah , better put that one in as well , you need to put them in proper so that you can get it closed
24 Erm , I better put these in the freezer for now had n't I ?
25 Better put your name at the top of the page as well .
26 Yeah , better put me coat on
27 oh I suppose you pu , better put Stuart down .
28 Some people even leave notes on the front door for a delivery man — you might as well put an invitation in the front garden .
29 After all we might as well put all that hot air you produce to some good .
30 I 've got Marc Bolan who wants to record day and night and is keen to go , and I might as well put my energies into him because you really do n't want to work very hard . ’
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