Example sentences of "what seemed " in BNC.

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1 According to his owner , who witnessed the spectacle , Jessie rose gracefully toward the ceiling like a space shuttle and , after lingering in mid-air for what seemed an eternity , crashed to the floor and fled the house with a speed and agility the owner found quite amazing .
2 When this and the regeneration/resurrection theme are brought to bear upon the remark about Bazarov and the 1840s , what seemed a difference of degree turns out to be one of a kind .
3 At the end , the traitor of the English clan hurled his credit cards at his parents ’ grave in what seemed to be a symbol for throwing bad money after good .
4 As a whole , this grand spectacle was a rare hit with what seemed to be as varied an audience as any opera company is likely to find these days .
5 After what seemed its thirty-fifth repetition , Rowicki put down his baton , looked up and spoke to the ceiling in a low-pitched , conversational tone : ‘ Everyone can now play this correctly except Mr X ’ ( the fourth inside desk cellist ) .
6 What seemed so hard at the beginning was the limitation that calling her Down 's and handicapped would have on her new life .
7 The first came when the group reported what seemed to be rather minor problems at its parts side .
8 I went into the bedroom where Alison was lying down in what seemed to be a state of shock .
9 I lay there for what seemed like an eternity and feeling in a sort of panic .
10 We lay still for what seemed like ages , my eyes were riveted to the figures lying in the road .
11 The cinema was bereft of carpets and we all could hear , for what seemed an eternity , was the doleful roll of each Malteser down the incline to its nemesis beneath the feet of the people in the front row .
12 With special affection I remember the metro railway enthusiasts who , confronted by rigorous structuralist films or scenes of sexual and scatalogical excess , walked out of the cinema in baffled confusion during the first NFT International Underground Film Festival and indignantly demanded their money back after having booked for a whole season of what seemed like fascinating specialist delights : German Underground , American Underground , Italian Underground .
13 Common in aesthetic involvement is the recognition that what seemed like mimetic realism is actually an effect of convention , genre , form , or some other kind of artifice .
14 They stood chatting across the gate for what seemed an age until Moran faced the house with the two envelopes tantalizingly held out .
15 There was what seemed to be an endless round of meetings to discuss our coverage , with Ford personnel up to and including European vice-presidents .
16 Another disc started , Herr Hocher placing it on the record-player with his own hands , the result being a foxtrot played by a Russian orchestra , and he himself took the floor with Fräulein Renn , the pair of them going through what seemed to the young people weirdly funny gyrations together .
17 What seemed a formality on Wednesday looked less certain 24 hours later , and he himself hinted at a possible obstacle when he said he would have to get the permission of his employers , the brewers John Smith .
18 What seemed a formality on Wednesday looked less certain 24 hours later , and he himself hinted at a possible obstacle when he said he would have to get the permission of his employers , the brewers John Smith .
19 Tony Zanetta : ‘ Prior to his tour of the States , David started doing dates in England and within three months he was becoming what seemed like the biggest thing in England .
20 I was aware of the fact that there had been what seemed like 20 people working in the office and then it was suddenly dwindling down to a skeleton staff .
21 He waited what seemed to him rather an excessive ti me for Catherine , but decided , charitably , that you could n't look as she did without pretty regular attention to the overall effect .
22 But there are two other ways in which things could change drastically , making what seemed like a good idea turn very bad indeed .
23 She came of a family whose heads felt cold in the night ( their father had worn a nightcap ) and now she rose to a sitting position looking , in the gloom , like some eastern potentate , her beautiful nose and high forehead all surmounted by what seemed to be a turban but was actually some sort of woolly garment skilfully disposed about her head .
24 Next came a pair of thick socks wrinkling about the ankles , and then what seemed to be a pair of men 's shoes .
25 None of the Glaswegians regretted making the trip , but a few grumbled about what seemed a ludicrously early chucking-out time .
26 Despite what seemed to be a nice little boom , British productivity had grown more slowly than that of any comparable European country : 40 per cent compared with Germany 's and Italy 's 150 per cent , not to consider Japan 's 400 per cent .
27 I remember digging for what seemed like hours to lift those bulbs , so make sure you plant them where they will not need to be moved and allow ample room for their growth .
28 He had even provided , as an antagonist to North , a fictional member of the NSC , ‘ Aaron Sykes ’ , whose job it was to give flesh and voice to those invisible and voiceless colleagues who had presumably tried to dissuade North from what he was doing : to appear , as the Laws appeared to Socrates , ‘ humming in his ears ’ , about the offence he would cause to country , friends and laws if he did what seemed to him the right thing .
29 She heard , too , that wages had begun to climb and that a lady 's maid , such as she had been , commanded what seemed an astronomical salary — thirty guineas a year in London in some houses , twice what she had ever earned .
30 Cautiously , sweating , with fiery stabs in every inch , I wormed my right hand between my body and the earth , and came to what seemed like a rod between the two .
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