Example sentences of "there ought " in BNC.

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1 There is no need to be intimidated by the formality of a staid institution 's catalogue , or to neglect popular magazines ; as for writing in various academic disciplines , there ought to be no barrier to learning about an interesting topic .
2 Some women have acquired status as heroines ; Rosalba Carriera , Angelica Kauffmann , Rosa Bonheur , Berthe Morisot , Paula Modersohn-Becker and Käthe Kollwitz have found places in a pantheon of major talent from which there ought never to have been any question of their exclusion .
3 ‘ We run a proficiency award scheme and would like that to continue because there ought to be an award for young anglers in particular to show they are not just good anglers but caring conservationists as well , ’ said Peter .
4 There ought to be a law against them .
5 Both the farmers and the conservationists agree that there ought to be a debate .
6 The leader of the clan was Erica , half German and a dedicated do-gooder who always greeted Jane with an unnerving ‘ How are you , Jane ? ’ delivered with a look of such worried concern that Jane felt there ought , or must , be something wrong with her .
7 There ought to be a right to protest in public , it might be argued , and where the bona fide exercise of this right happens to lead to some form of disorder , it is wrong to visit the perpetrators with severe sanctions .
8 There ought to be a space or an empty page or maybe even a change of typography to show that I have been for the past three and a half hours out in the streets or sitting full of thought on that gilded and trembling bridge over these lazy waters .
9 There ought to be a law against cutting off power supplies in the middle of February .
10 There were plenty of Garda around , and there ought to have been plenty more , as I saw a group of wild children steal chocolates from a shop and then run off down the road .
11 The authority of the verderers , like that of the coroners , had ended with the previous reign , so the king sent out orders to the sheriffs to make arrangements for the election of ‘ as many verderers as there ought to be and used to be ’ in nineteen forests south of Trent , and in Sherwood Forest north of it , ‘ as no verderer is as yet elected therein by command of the King ,
12 Ideally there ought to be one standard level of stiffness and severity for galloping courses like Cheltenham , Newbury or Sandown Park and another for fast tracks like the Mildmay .
13 THERE ought to be a law against it .
14 Perhaps there ought to be an intelligence extradition agreement that all defectors are immediately put on the first aircraft back home .
15 There ought to be a law .
16 And for so long as the honours system continues in operation , there ought to be recognition of citizenship as a criterion .
17 That is why the game is called a dilemma , why it seems so maddeningly paradoxical , and why it has even been proposed that there ought to be a law against it .
18 Nails said defiantly , ‘ There ought to be a reserve in this team , in case .
19 The fundamental message of the Bible , with its portrayal of the love of God for every individual and of the unity of those who are ‘ in Christ ’ through baptism , suggests that there ought not to be any distinctions in Church rules on grounds of gender .
20 There ought to be consideration of the animal 's perspective when formulating laws ; almost all the laws are to protect a certain kind of human interest .
21 Animals on farms , in laboratories , in zoos , those kept as pets ; there ought to be tighter laws saying what conditions are acceptable .
22 There ought to be scope for feedback , a chance for you to express whatever thoughts or concerns you may have at the time .
23 Social work help should be provided on a similar basis , and there ought to be continuity of care after discharge .
24 … And it seemed there ought to be music , so Esther Allan , the music teacher at the school where I was the most reluctant member of the Art Department , got roped in .
25 Just as there ought to be a Radio 2 equivalent of John Maddox 's excellent Scientifically Speaking ( which seems , unaccountably , to have disappeared ) , so such widely relevant debates should find a place on BBC 1 .
26 The subject clearly merits serious study , if only because there ought to he money in it .
27 There was n't , but there ought to be — Jess thought .
28 There ought to be a law against it .
29 In 1836 , the Bill now having been passed , he suggested to Gladstone that there ought to be more enfranchisement to cure the effects of it ; if the pyramid were extended at the base and the lower classes given some power , this would counter the preponderance of the manufacturers .
30 There ought to be a law against it , ’ replied Dorothy emphatically , as she banged knives and forks down on to the table .
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