Example sentences of "their duties " in BNC.

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1 Sections of the population assist the police in the performance of their duties not just by taking on gunmen or robbers but also by making telephone calls to the police .
2 In addition to orchestrating the defeat of Widnes in Tuesday 's semi-final , Mackey was one of the players to receive the kind of attention which prompted Brian Johnson , his coach , to remind referees of their duties .
3 But even those who said they joined in order to serve the community ( and there are many ) feel a disappointment upon entering the force as a result of the limited opportunities for this allowed by their duties .
4 As they broadened their location in the province , their duties were similarly extended to cover traffic control at pedestrian crossings and shoplifting .
5 Today senior managers in the RUC have a formal commitment to equal opportunities for women in pay and promotion and in many facets of their duties .
6 In talking to ordinary policewomen , we found many themselves adopt notions of gender differences in order to explain the marginalization of their duties , although others prefer this kind of work simply because it makes it easier to manage their difficult and conflicting roles as policewoman , wife , and mother .
7 As we shall see , this typification is a resource used by policemen and women in several situations and for many different purposes , and it has clear relevance in explaining why community relations police in West Belfast retain their commitment despite the difficulties of their task and the restricted nature of their duties .
8 Where the unions fail in their duties to black workers they must be challenged to stand up for their rights .
9 Before going for their lunch the Physical Training Instructors must complete the last of their duties as ushers .
10 Doctor Gysi , also calling for ‘ social integration ’ of Stasi members , told the party 's congress : ‘ There were many honest comrades in the Stasi who loyally fulfilled their duties and who were not able to choose the tasks they were given . ’
11 A large proportion of our forces had to be ready to travel to distant theatres of war and it was uneconomic that they should be composed of National Servicemen , admirably though those carried out their duties … .
12 Many Forest wardens could not have performed their duties in person .
13 They performed their duties within wards or subdivisions of the forest .
14 All foresters had to take an oath in the local Forest court , in the presence of the verderers , to perform their duties conscientiously , to keep the Forest law , and not to oppress the forest landowners and the other inhabitants of the forest .
15 In the execution of their duties the foresters often had to contend with armed bands of desperate men ; in many cases they were beaten and even killed while attempting to arrest Forest offenders .
16 The owners of the woods were bound to present their woodwards to the Justice of the Forest on their appointment , and at every subsequent Forest Eyre , to take an oath to perform their duties faithfully .
17 During the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries the verderers , regarders and agisters usually held office for life , provided that they discharged their duties faithfully and well , but in the fifteenth century the authority of the verderer , like that of the coroner , was brought to an end by the death of the king , and the sheriffs were ordered to hold new elections .
18 From the evidence of the Forest rolls , however , they seem to have discharged their duties with reasonable efficiency as far as ordinary poachers were concerned .
19 The regarders , like the verderers , were frequently amerced at Forest Eyres for failure to carry out their duties to the satisfaction of the judges — for failing to appear with the other regarders to make the regard , or to take the regarders ' oath , or to present their rolls of the regard on the first day of the Forest Eyre , or for losing their rolls , or for incompleteness in their returns .
20 At the same time , the king , at Langley 's suggestion , appointed four knights in each county to sell underwood belonging to the Crown , and in March 1252 the sheriffs of nine Forest counties were ordered to distrain them to carry out their duties .
21 It was decreed that they were all to be suspended from their duties : commissioners were to hear complaints against them , and those found guilty were to be permanently removed from office .
22 The association released details of a survey of 244 carers showing that half of were unsure of their duties under the Act .
23 The government is desperately trying to push through a package of new measures to combat organised crime , including laws that will permit undercover policemen to infiltrate gangs and commit crimes as part of their duties .
24 Both were essentially concerned with the expansion of adult educational opportunities irrespective of the providing body , a cause in which both were legitimately involved as their duties were not prescribed in detail .
25 it seeks as students in its classes all who feel , and can be caused to feel , the need to understand the way our society works , to assess its values and to comprehend the problems which confront it now , in order to discharge more effectively their duties and responsibilities as citizens ;
26 We will continue to give the police the support and resources they need to carry out their duties effectively and efficiently .
27 The security forces in Northern Ireland perform their duties with courage and professionalism .
28 Plynus 's desire for advancement is seen against economic trends which entice people from their duties .
29 Because the doubters were bound , by the fact that they were subject to the authority of Parliament , to follow Parliament 's judgment as to what their duties were , its Act is not merely dependent on those duties but also pre-empts them .
30 The Cent-Gardes , also created in 1854 , with their magnificent blue and silver uniforms , were picked for their stature — the minimum height was six feet — and their looks , since many of their duties involved them in Court ceremonial , including the lining of the stairways at the Tuileries during balls and official receptions .
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