Example sentences of "we make " in BNC.

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1 Can we make the Church real to society by turning it political ; by making its essence not old creeds but moral judgements on bombs , or on socialist policy ?
2 That has brought us back again to the conundrum which you posed to me and in the face of which I had to express my helplessness — namely , how do we make the silent majority unsilent since that is by definition impossible ?
3 How can we make sense of it ?
4 Can we make a fresh start ? ’
5 Shall we make it tomorrow ?
6 ‘ Shall we make it the best of three ? ’
7 How can we make some sense of it ?
8 Given that this is so , what sense can we make of the way in which God , as opposed to John or Jane Smith , is personal ?
9 Shall we embark upon this adventure ; shall we definitely declare our hand ; shall we make a break in habit ; or a departure from principle ?
10 You often hear people say , ‘ Why ca n't we make films over here with the taste and art and honesty of the French cinema ? ’
11 ‘ And shall we make it a pwethent to make it happy ? ’
12 Why , then , do we make it compulsory to be educated ?
13 By reducing the scope of the enquiry we make more certain the worth of what we are doing ( always assuming , of course , that the study itself is well conducted ) , and by describing carefully what we do we make it possible for other researchers to duplicate our own study or conduct a similar one with slightly different variables .
14 What this meant varied greatly from place to place and from time to time ; nor can we make any satisfactory generalizations about the nature of medieval law .
15 Nor did we make much fuss over presents .
16 Teacher : How can we make this piece into a tube ?
17 Teacher : How can we make arms ?
18 Teacher : Shall we make a monster 's shadow , children .
19 We do n't like 16-bit owners making fun of us 8-bit owners , so why should we make fun of the Spectrum ?
20 How can we make people understand that , although all the counsellors are volunteers , they are highly trained and highly dedicated ?
21 Now , having no doubt asked themselves the question , ‘ How can we make a Japanese ‘ 62 re-issue Strat even more appealing ? ’
22 And when it does we make it explicit that this is a matter of choice and consent .
23 Nor did we make much effort to match the potent appeal of Tory policies on privatisation and council house sales .
24 In which other election claiming to be democratic would we make voting choices without canvassing the views of the candidates ?
25 When people do cross the threshold of the church , do we make it easy for them to take that step ?
26 What and how far was the next county , and could we make it to the border before closing-time ?
27 What , then , do we make of the substantial and growing literature on informal carers ?
28 So what do we make of the anger response ?
29 He had a limp , he had a false leg , and of course , when you 're kids it strikes you as very funny to have a woodwork teacher with a wooden leg , so he 'd say , ‘ What shall we make today , kids ? ’ and we 'd go ‘ Want another leg , sir ? ’ and things like that .
30 Shall we make a start on the taping ? ’
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