Example sentences of "but to work " in BNC.

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1 The Party resolved to recognize Ukrainian independence , but to work towards a federal relationship .
2 Tony decided not to stay within the pool system but to work independently .
3 Where there is no further land for settlement and for people to set themselves up as independent farmers or pastoralists , there is an added reason for a land-controlling class to emerge , firstly because land hunger tends to differentiate a peasantry and secondly there is no alternative for those without enough land but to work for others .
4 But to work out how successful a campaign has been , the retailer needs to balance the profit made against the amount of money he spent on the campaign .
5 Which is why all the products in the range are carefully formulated , not just to work in isolation but to work together as a complete programme — repairing , cleansing , caring and styling .
6 ‘ The old fuel cells were self supporting , ’ explained Dick 's mechanic , Nick Quint , ‘ but to work on them , one would have to take the entire cell out of the fuselage .
7 Thus , in contrast with current policies , in the period immediately after the Second World War people of retirement age were urged not to retire and to ‘ sink into premature old age ’ , but to work a little longer and , therefore , have ‘ a happier and healthier old age' ( Phillipson 1982 : 33 ) .
8 I feel it is our duty to try to get — I will not say on our side but to work with us — the section of Labour which is national and imperialistic ( Applause ) We have got to get on our side if we can , the section of Labour which recognises that for all classes , employers and employed , production is the one thing to be aimed at ( Applause ) , and that anything which is detrimental to that is detrimental to anybody .
9 Part-time employment was often the only paid employment they could find , while others had little choice but to work part-time if they were to fulfil their changing domestic commitments .
10 confirming their readiness to reinforce security , in particular by adopting effective arms control , disarmament and confidence-building measures ; their willingness not to regard each another as adversaries but to work for a relationship of trust and co-operation ; and accordingly their readiness to consider positively the setting up of appropriate institutional arrangements within the framework of the CSCE ;
11 HARPY 's unified graph design leaves the system with little alternative but to work left-to-right through the utterance , since there are no individual components whose attention might be directed to one portion or another of the utterance .
12 But to work this morning , I could of done it !
13 The capitalist system implied a monopoly of these ‘ means of production ’ in the hands of the few , so that the workers had no alternative but to work for the capitalist and on his terms in order to survive .
14 In the slightly similar American case of the Moral Majority , evangelicals have no choice but to work in political alliance with secular conservatives , conservative Catholics , and conservative Jews .
15 He had no choice but to work on the land , and to live the life described by Flora Thompson in Lark Rise to Candleford .
16 None of us has a monopoly of moral insight and we have no choice but to work together somehow .
17 The American circuit is nowadays so tough that its players mostly have no option but to work if they want to hang on to their players ' cards .
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