Example sentences of "when once " in BNC.

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1 But to say the truth , madam , let a man love reading never so well , when once he comes to know this tawn , he finds so many better ways of passing the four-and-twenty hours , that 't were ten thousand pities he should consume his time in that .
2 I suppose I had been given a sense of the evil of cinema by my strict Methodist grandparents , who were visibly shocked when once I confessed that I had been to see a film on Sunday .
3 Polish housewives no longer have to spend two hours a day in queues , and they can choose between 15 brands of mineral water , when once only one diesel-flavoured Polish brand was on offer .
4 This will be an annual task unless you 've invested in a cedar model when once every three years should suffice .
5 How happy it is to see with what zeal and what promptitude all over the country the working population have exhibited their readiness to take advantage of the opportunities when once afforded them .
6 Despite Arnold Palmer 's memorable 1962 — when once again the golden hat-trick eluded him as it had in 1960 , with Open Championship and US Masters success , and only losing the US Open in a playoff with Jack Nicklaus — he had a quiet Open in 1963 .
7 ‘ Where is Hugh ? ’ the Leader asked when once again speech was possible .
8 He is seen here a year later with his Tomahawk fighter when once more serving in North Africa .
9 The time factor was obviously the most urgent one and my five months in England were used to forward the plans for operating the Department when once it got back to Burma .
10 They had raised themselves but still remained crouched , and were moving slowly by the hedge towards the tree , when once again Martin 's attention was brought round to the strip of woodland , not by a noise this time , but by a strange feeling of impending danger .
11 And there she had been again , almost packed to make way for Mr Martin 's wife , when once again fate had taken a hand , and now she was set nicely .
12 Diana was about to resume her conversation when once again her hostess cut in , addressing her stepdaughter with a glittery smile .
13 Lily could not boast of Hal when once Jack was seen .
14 It came to me that my mother was proud of her friendship with this high-spirited outcast , and I felt resentment as I thought of my own upbringing , of the fuss when my school reports were n't all that my mother would have wished , of the scene when once I had sworn .
15 Henry Fairfield Osborn , the influential Curator of Vertebrate Paleontology at the American Museum of Natural History , coined the term ‘ adaptive radiation ’ to denote the episodes of expansion , and insisted on the orthogenetic character of evolution within each specialized group when once established .
16 In 1988 he was appointed regional co-ordinator for Asia , Caribbean and East Africa when once again his knowledge of the business , determination to succeed and his ability to persuade people at all levels to do what was necessary , produced excellent results .
17 What would any of it avail her when once she was gone ?
18 I will wish you to draw up a deed of gift in Mr Beckenham 's favour when once probate is granted , if you please . ’
19 As a little compensation I begged Captain King to let us remove either to Bruny , or to Muscle Bay , which would make very little difference when once the wind set in fair , and it was accordingly settled that at daylight we should sail for Muscle Bay . ’
20 A ludicrous consequence of the inverted word-order is that the syntactic pattern noun + preposition ( " shades among " ) might seem to be repeated at the end of the following line ( " judgment o'er " ) , so that instead of understanding a participial construction , " the stern assize and equal judgment being over " ( Housman 's equivalent for the future perfect ) , a guileless reader might construe " When once you descend among the shades , over the stern assize and equal judgment " .
21 Southend could and should have won it near the end when once again the Town defence got itself in a tangle …
22 Southend could and should have won it near the end when once again the Town defence got itself in a tangle …
23 Here is what she wrote : Beware the feline of the sea ; lest might happen to you what happened to me ; When once I booked for a short break stay , I found it impossible to get away — Seacat did not turn up to-day .
24 When once the German impetus had exhausted itself , ground down by the lethal barrages from the Bois Bourrus guns , the inevitable French riposte would — within 24 hours — push the survivors back again .
25 When once , it was horses and cart .
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