Example sentences of "see p. " in BNC.

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1 The second ministerial-level round of the so-called " two-plus-four talks " on the unification of Germany took place in Berlin on June 22 , when the Foreign Ministers of France , the Soviet Union , the United Kingdom , and the United States ( the four post-war occupying powers and guarantors for Berlin ) met with delegations from East and West Germany to discuss the security implications of unification [ for first round of talks in May see p. 37466 ] .
2 In the third economic package in 1989 [ for January and May measures see p. 36778 ] , measures were adopted by the Cabinet on July 7 with the aim of cooling the economy by lowering inflation ( then running at an annual rate of 6 per cent ) , by restricting economic growth to 4.5 per cent ( from its current annual rate of 6 per cent ) , and by withdrawing more than 500,000 million ptas from circulation , and also to stop tax fraud .
3 [ For background information and reports on exploratory talks in May see p. 37458 ; for first round proper in September see p. 37716 . ]
4 For many months virtually everywhere in the Soviet Union stocks in state shops of even basic foodstuffs such as bread had been growing increasingly erratic , although some of the blame for this lay in the withholding of deliveries to the state supply network by farms and local authorities , in anticipation of prices rising or to meet local needs [ for indications of breakdown in the distribution system in May see p. 37538 ] .
5 The Rwanda Patriotic Front ( FPR ) , however , rejected the constitutional changes , and continued fighting ( despite the ceasefire agreement signed with the government — see p. 38134 ) during May and June , describing its actions as " in self-defence " .
6 The UK also reiterated its opposition to references to a common defence policy , and to a single currency ( as opposed to the UK 's proposal for a " hard ECU " as a 13th currency — see p. 37969 ) .
7 At the next European Council these draft texts should be finalized according to the guidelines worked out there and in keeping with the European Council 's conclusions of Oct. 27-28 , 1990 , recalling the UK reserve attached thereto [ when the Eleven agreed on January 1994 as the starting date for " stage two " of EMU — see p. 37783 ] .
8 On external relations the heads of state and government adopted a declaration on the Soviet Union ( noting inter alia that deliveries had begun of the food aid worth ECU750,000,000 pledged in December 1990 — see p. 37906 ) .
9 The SPÖ won 17 seats ( as in October 1987 — see p. 35792 ) , the ÖVP won 15 ( 16 in 1987 ) and the FPÖ four ( three in 1987 ) .
10 Violent incidents in early June on the Val Fourée estate in Mantes-la-Jolie , 50 km west of Paris ( where a young Frenchman of Arab origin had died in police custody following riots in late May — see p. 38198 ) fuelled a growing controversy over immigration and urban housing policy .
11 ( In November 1989 Akbulut had succeeded Özal as both Prime Minister and ANAP chairman — see p. 37051 . )
12 Foreign Ministers from the seven European Free Trade Association ( EFTA ) member countries and representatives of the 12-member European Communities ( EC ) reached a compromise agreement at a protracted negotiating session on June 18-19 in Luxembourg , entering a political commitment to finalize by Aug. 1 ( rather than June 25 ) the arrangements for a common European Economic Area ( EEA — see p. 37906 ) to become operative in January 1993 .
13 A pledge by the Soviet Union was accepted formally on June 14 in Vienna by the 21 other parties to the CFE treaty ( concluded in November 1990 between the NATO and Warsaw Pact countries — see p. 37838 ) .
14 UK Prime Minister John Major visited Moscow briefly on Sept. 1 ( en route for Beijing — see p. 38435 ) .
15 A division of the property of State Television and Radio ( Gosteleradio ) , announced on Sept. 13 , involved transferring to Russian television ( launched in May — see p. 38206 ) the second all-union television channel and a part of the correspondents ' network .
16 It was also announced that the RSFSR government had decided to merge together the Russian Information Agency and the Novosti news agency ( which had been brought under RSFSR control after the failed coup — see p. 38372 ) as one agency headed by the former Novosti chief Andrei Vinogradov .
17 Countries establishing diplomatic relations with the Baltic states before Sept. 6 included Iceland ( the first to do so — see p. 37945 ) , Austria , Belgium , Canada , Denmark , Finland , France , Germany , Hungary , Italy , Norway , Poland , Portugal , Romania , Spain , Sweden , Switzerland , the United Kingdom , and ( on Sept. 2 ) the United States .
18 The 105-member Ülemnoukogu ( parliament ) was the highest legislative body , which in March 1990 elected Arnold Rüütel as chair ( de facto President — see p. 37322 ) .
19 In elections in the south-eastern province of Styria ( Steiermark ) on Sept. 22 , the far-right opposition Freedom Party of Austria ( Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs — FPÖ — whose leader , Jörg Haider , had in June been compelled to step down as governor of Carinthia — see p. 38298 ) made significant gains , increasing its support by more than 10 per cent to 14.6 per cent , compared with the last elections in 1986 [ see p. 34695 ] .
20 Stolojan , proposed by Roman as his successor , had in March 1991 tendered his resignation ( which Roman had then asked him to withdraw — see p. 38163 ) in protest at the NSF 's failure to implement more radical price liberalisation measures .
21 On Sept. 3 the Romanian parliament adopted a resolution supporting the Aug. 27 declaration of independence by the former Soviet Republic of Moldava [ with which Romania established diplomatic links on Aug. 29 — see p. 38373 ] , and calling for its wider international recognition .
22 A meeting of the International Coffee Council was held in London on Sept. 27 , but ended by voting only to renew the International Coffee Agreement for a further 12 months without either an export quota system ( suspended in July 1989 — see p. 36836 ) or price support mechanisms .
23 In June among the initial measures of Cresson 's government were bills providing for ( i ) hospital reform ( designed to tighten government regulations over private components of the national health system , approved by the National Assembly on its first reading on April 29 , by the Senate on June 7 and finally by the National Assembly on June 19 and prompting protests by 60,000-100,000 people on June 11 ) ; ( ii ) tougher penalties for desecrating graves ( approved on June 14 following the desecration of Jewish graves in Carpentras in May 1990 — see p. 37468 ; for earlier legislation against racism see p. 37683 ) ; and ( iii ) restrictions on telephone tapping ( the latter receiving the approval of the National Assembly on June 13 and of the Senate on June 25 ) .
24 The superior council for integration ( established after incidents in October-December 1989 involving three Moslem girls who insisted on wearing traditional headscarves to school — see p. 37134 ) reported in February 1991 that France 's foreign population was 3,700,000 , the same as in 1982 .
25 On Oct. 17 the 4,200-strong Franco-German joint brigade ( agreed in principle in November 1987 — see p. 35665 ) was formally constituted at a ceremony in Malmsheim , near Stuttgart [ see p. 37212 for its October establishment at partial strength ] .
26 Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands ( SPD — Social Democratic Party , Björn Engholm ch. — see p. 38199 ) ; Partei des Demokratischen Sozialismus ( PDS — Party of Democratic Socialism , formerly East German ruling communist party under the name of Sozialistische Einheitspartei Deutschlands ( SED — Socialist Unity Party of Germany ) , Gregor Gysi ch . ) ;
27 The Bundeswehrkommando Ost ( set up in October 1990 to supervise the merging of the two German armed forces — see p. 37761 ) ceased operations on July 1 , 1991 .
28 Fine Gael ( United Ireland Party , John Bruton l. since November 1990 — see p. 37868 ) ; Labour Party ( Dick Spring l . ) ;
29 Two ministers had recently died in office : Franco Piga ( 63 ) , the Minister for State Participation ( first appointed as non-party Minister of Industry in Fanfani 's April 1987 caretaker administration — see p. 35587 ) , had died suddenly in December 1990 [ see p. 38021 ] .
30 Alessandro Natta , who had been secretary of the PCI from June 1984 to June 1988 ( when he had been succeeded by Achille Occhetto — see p. 35989 ) , announced his retirement from active political life in May 1990 .
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