Example sentences of "who usually " in BNC.

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1 Funnily enough it 's not the people like me who usually do get the boot in academic life , it 's the people with real talent who generally have a hard time . ’
2 The gaoler who usually dealt with Cameron was called Jamie — he called himself Jamie , like a little boy who has not long learned to speak .
3 Among those expected to be re-interviewed are Kathy Brown , 47 , who usually cleans the Campbell Road house , which was let as a holiday home .
4 Despite its eulogistic tone Oldershaw 's memory seems more credible than E. C. Bentley 's half-humorous , half-invented sketch of Thomas aged sixteen during his first half-year at St. Paul 's : ‘ It was Walker [ Frederick Walker , the High Master ] too , who had made this possible by clearing the ‘ History Eighth ’ , the first recruits to which included my friend Oldershaw and myself , soon to be joined by an exceptionally reserved and quiet boy who usually had in his pocket a rat or so , and a few snakes , which he would shut in his desk with books , and occasionally peep at stealthily — Edward Thomas the poet . ’
5 We sat before him looking at him with respectful eyes ( that is , all but one of us , who usually went to sleep as soon as the class started ; she was not just closing her eyes , she was fast asleep ) .
6 If you are a person who usually eats roughly the same amounts each day , with regular meal times , a typical pattern will quickly reveal itself in the diary ; keep it for only seven days .
7 It can perhaps be said that the bereavement care teams who usually now come to help at such times are the public recognition of this phenomenon .
8 Because of the mystique — and maybe the image — celebrities and VIPs are quite daunting to those who usually only see them from a distance .
9 There was also an acceptance , as the implications were worked out later in the paper , that Terminal courses with ‘ a good deal of teaching at quite an elementary level ’ were ‘ a most important part ’ of the WEA 's work ; that university graduates , who usually had a narrow academic education , could benefit from the breadth of learning offered by the WEA quite as much as manual workers ; that courses in literature and the arts were clearly a valid part of the WEA 's total provision because they attracted new members , taught the processes of serious study and by enriching lives helped ‘ in raising the quality of the public which has the power of judgement upon those set in authority over it ’ .
10 Her husband , who usually worked 200 miles away , had been forced to return to look after the children .
11 After an introduction by the presenter , who usually speculates on the issues likely to be raised with the Prime Minister that day ( a tiresome waste of time , especially as he is frequently wrong ) , the programme goes live , with only minimum commentary , till about 3.48 pm when the presenter returns to summarize the exchanges ( another waste of time ) .
12 In one of these early lessons he was very lucky in his teacher ; Miss Public House took him home on one of his first nights — she who usually never could be bothered — and in one exhausting night Miss P taught him everything he knew about how to make love without getting hurt or hurting anybody ( remember that in those days we were still getting used to the idea and still elaborating our repertoires of what you could and could n't do , which was very hard for us , for me anyway , since we had spent so long trying to forget the very word could n't ) .
13 For a horse who usually takes everything in his stride Milton has an inexplicable and very strong aversion to syringes .
14 Elinor , who usually took it upon herself to criticize all aspects of her daughter 's behaviour , was into her third sherry .
15 Although competitive sports are fine , the type of exercise we are talking about here should not involve competition , particularly if you are the type of person who usually feels that winning is important .
16 RAF Odiham , marshalled by their stand-off who usually plays for Basingstoke , looked dangerous when their backs made a break , but good tackling and covering kept them out .
17 The slaves who usually lived in one of the separate wings of the villa , slept together in a dormitory .
18 Books conceived in ignorance or misunderstanding are evaluated by reviewers who usually know even less .
19 Your change of address is important to all your friends and relatives and all those people who usually send you bills or communications — like the bank , building society , post office , insurance company etc. , and you should notify them straight away .
20 Sally Dade trundled backwards and forwards in and out of the kitchen carrying table linen , candlesticks , silver and cut-glassware in a bath of sweat and giggles , while Mrs Stocks , who usually only came once in five weeks for an orgy of washing , wept silently into the pan of onions she was skinning .
21 I 'm a 14 year-old , who usually breeds livebearers , but wanted to try something different .
22 When she reached the stable-yard , Moonbeam was saddled up and ready , tied up by the mounting block but there was no sign of Jonnie Medd , the young groom who usually accompanied her .
23 For this reason , our holiday prices are aimed to entice those who usually fly or use their own car to travel on superbly comfortable coaches as the means of reaching resorts and regions where tourism has not exceeded sustainable levels .
24 Finn married a witch called Saar , who usually manifested herself as a deer .
25 In the case of malicious damage , where compensation could be got under the carefully defined Saxon laws , it was the local thegn who usually benefited ; we shall never know how much of this was passed on .
26 These latter are classified in a residual category called labourers , which included coolies , carters and service workers , such as blacksmiths and washermen , who usually worked for a fee or wage .
27 In fact village tribunal presidents were often relatives or allies of chief headmen , who usually controlled appointments of other headmen .
28 He had already shown some delightful touches in central midfield , the position he regards as his best , speed of thought and a supple-like body in what he regards as his best position in central midfield , combining well with Andy Townsend , who usually delights in destroying Spurs on his own .
29 A MAN who usually stuck to soft drinks died after downing at least a dozen whiskies , an inquest heard yesterday .
30 It 's the new Protagon , the tennis racket which sounds like a drug but which plays like an old friend , the loyal doubles partner who helps you to cope with the important things in life , things like how to fox the club champion who usually knocks you off without ever getting out of auto pilot mode .
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