Example sentences of "by dr " in BNC.

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1 The charity was launched in June 1988 by Dr Patrick Dixon , a specialist in care for the dying and author or two books on the subject of AIDS .
2 Added upset came in the same year from a speech by Dr W. Starkie , the commissioner of National Education in Ireland , who attacked school managers for not being up to their job .
3 It is a college preparatory school headed by Dr Norman A Palmer .
4 The seven PTAs — Sir Peter Parker called them ‘ The Magnificent Seven ’ — have been the driving force behind scores of new initiatives to improve rail services by building new stations — often replacing ones closed by Dr Beeching — restoring passenger services to freight-only lines and , incredibly , in the case of the West Yorkshire PTA actually purchasing their own trains !
5 I fully accept that in Andy Gothard 's article ( EW + WW July 1991 ) about King 's College , there is a circuit system developed by Dr Mark Sandler which produces a very accurate , and indeed ideal , analogue output from the digital ( CD ) to analogue ( PWM power amplifier drive ) converter .
6 Baby and Child by Penelope Leach is published by Penguin ; The Extent of Physical Punishment in the UK by John and Elizabeth Newson is published by Approach ; Bad Behaviour by Dr John Pearce is published by Thorsons ; Good Children by Lynette Burrows is published by Newpoint Publishing .
7 The second , much less well-known , was chaired by Dr Reuben Smeed , the outstanding transport statistician of his generation .
9 Why I Do It , by Dr Anthony Clare .
10 Churchill and the Black Dog , by Dr Heinz Riba .
11 Some were encouraged by Richardson , and by Dr Johnson , a fervent believer in the abilities of women .
12 We had been herded together to discuss this and other issues by Dr Derek Booth , animal geneticist and scientist .
13 Her last wish , to be buried in her husband 's grave , was vociferously opposed by Dr Kavanagh , who had neither known of the relationship nor been invited to the wedding .
14 A team led by Dr David Jones , of Bangor 's renowned School of Ocean Sciences , designed a revolutionary new feed , using a process called microencapsulation which puts a thin , digestible membrane around each tiny food particle .
15 He was the one with the distant , distracted look and the voice which sounded as though it were the product of an experiment by Dr Timothy Leary .
16 ‘ For every Pharisee our system produces , you will find at least three good Samaritans , ’ she said in a direct response to criticism by Dr Robert Runcie , the Archbishop of Canterbury .
17 Two of its five MPs ( the Scots , Kennedy and Maclennan ) joined the Liberals in the newly named Social and Liberal Democrats , while the other three , headed by Dr David Owen , remained independent .
18 The first party to campaign for independence was the National Council of Nigeria and the Cameroons ( NCNC ) founded by Dr Namdi Azikiwe in 1945 .
19 And when the London Film Company was formed in 1913 by Dr Ralph Tennyson Jupp , as an offshoot of his Provincial Cinematograph Theatres exhibition company , he relied heavily upon American producers and directors .
20 That was conceded in an interview yesterday by Dr Kenneth Abrahams , a member of the National Front and a former Swapo man who was thrown into jail by Mr Nujoma .
21 Documents which disclose Britain 's collusion have been found in UN , US and British archives by Dr Michael Palumbo , an American writer ( who three years ago discovered the UN files on Mr Kurt Waldheim , the Austrian President ) .
22 CRITICISM of the Archbishop of Canterbury in the 1987 Crockford 's Preface was not taken personally by Dr Runcie , who comforted some critics during the row which followed , according to a book published today .
23 Mr Usta was examined by Dr Raymond Crockett , a Harley Street physician specialising in kidney disease .
24 Speaking through an interpreter , Mr Usta said : ‘ As far as I can figure it out , one day before the operation the cheque was given by Dr Crockett , it was changed and the money given to me that night . ’
25 He was examined several times by Dr Crockett in his surgery , but was never told a kidney would be removed .
26 He was examined several times by Dr Crockett in his surgery , but was never told a kidney would be removed .
27 The book is published by the Social Affairs Unit , a rightwing pressure group headed by Dr Digby Anderson .
28 A team led by Dr Cathie Martin at the John Innes Institute in Norwich , has isolated the gene which determines the ‘ wrinkliness ’ of peas .
29 The team of three , led by Dr Peter Holmes , have just finished the last field work of a three-year study of the effect on invertebrates of different peatland management strategies across Wales .
30 A post-mortem examination by Dr Alexander Gibson , a Home Office pathologist , gave the cause of death as carbon monoxide poisoning .
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