Example sentences of "by professor " in BNC.

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1 The team , led by Professor Michael Rowan-Robinson of Queen Mary and Westfield College , University of London , includes astronomers from Cambridge , Oxford and Durham Universities as well as QMW , and from Caltech , Pasadena and Charlottesville , Virginia .
2 Why Jeffrey Archer Does It , by Professor Norman Zeitung .
3 He questioned the evidence given by Professor Austin Gresham , a Home Office pathologist and Professor of Morbid Anatomy at Cambridge University , who conducted a second post-mortem examination on Miss Ward 's remains after they had been flown to Britain by her father , John Ward .
4 The report , by Professor Michael Zander , of the London School of Economics , criticised United States legislation on the confiscation and forfeiture of assets as being too wide-ranging and open to abuse by prosecutors .
5 The latest , a Government-sponsored inquiry by Professor Gordon Higginson , vice-chancellor of Southampton University , concluded there were far too many A-level syllabuses , and that they were stuffed too full with information .
6 It will , for example , decide whether the Government wants to adopt the approach advocated by Professor David Pearce — Mr Patten 's main outside adviser — of taxing polluters .
7 The work was further developed by Professor Dehmelt .
8 An influential report by Professor Jurg Niehans in February 1981 argued that monetary policy was in fact excessively tight because the high interest rates were attracting foreign money to London and maintaining a high pound .
9 Recent press reports that salmon from Scottish fish farms were contaminated with the unlicensed chemical Invermectin have been condemned by Professor Randolph Richards , Deputy director of the Institute of Agriculture at University of Stirling , as unsubstantiated .
10 Mr Justice Simon Brown said that shortly before the tribunal came to its decision in this case a tribunal chaired by Professor Jackson took a different approach in a similar case , Syed Jabar Hussain Shah .
11 Mr Justice Simon Brown said he greatly preferred the approach adopted by Professor Jackson 's tribunal .
12 A recent study by Professor Pat Carlen shows that of 39 female adult criminals , 22 spent a substantial period of their childhood and adolescence in care .
13 A parcel from London recently landed on my desk with what turns out to be the best analysis of it , Soviet History in the Gorbachev Revolution by Professor R W Davies of Birmingham University 's Centre for Russian and East European Studies ( Macmillan , hardback £29.50 , paperback £7.99 ) .
14 OWL , which has 89 staff , has developed Guide hypertext software , based on work done by Professor Peter Brown at the University of Kent .
15 THE Economist next week runs , as an advertisement , a 1500 word piece — ‘ The Profit in Survival ’ — by Professor David Pearce , economics adviser to Christopher Patten .
16 WRITING in the Lancet this year , a Glasgow team led by Professor Rona MacKie , identified four key ‘ risk factors ’ :
17 This concept , brilliantly and amusingly elucidated in book of that name published the previous year by Professor C. Northcote Parkinson , stated : ‘ Work expands to fill the time available for its completion . ’
18 According to a survey conducted for the BBC in April 1974 by Professor Richard Rose , sixty-nine per cent of the people of Northern Ireland thought that the executive should be given a chance to govern but this finding was contradicted by the results of a general election two months earlier and may reflect the general tendency of survey respondents to make statements in response to poll questions which are more moderate than their real views .
19 Early evidence of GP fundholding shows ‘ clear evidence of benefits ’ , according to A Foothold for Funding , a research report by Professor Howard Glennerster and colleagues at the London School of Economics .
20 The other major difficulty over the appointment of tutors and approval of syllabuses for classes and courses in the rural areas scheme was resolved by Professor Barker and Green who agreed that each providing body would submit for the information of the Rural Areas Committee its own approved panel of tutors and syllabuses of approved courses .
21 The Arkleton Lecture was given on 5 June 1979 by Professor J.M.M.Cunningham , Director of the Hill Farming Research Organisation , Penicuik , Midlothian .
22 ( The research is funded by the Department of Health , and supervised by Professor R. A. Parker . )
23 The afternoon session began with a lecture by Professor Brian Heaton ( Liverpool ) , on how the mechanisms of certain important metal-catalysed industrial processes are now being understood using modern spectroscopic techniques .
24 The meeting was brought to a fitting climax by Professor Brian Johnson ( Edinburgh ) , who gave a highly entertaining lecture on how studies of metal clusters are providing an intriguing insight into the interfacial region between solution and solid state reactivity .
25 The discussion will be led by Professor Frank Lees , of Loughborough University , who was appointed in 1988 as one of the three technical assessors to sit with the judge in the public enquiry into the Piper Alpha disaster .
26 In 1984 90 soil profiles sampled by Professor C. O. Tamm in 1927 at Tonnersjoheden Forest in Sweden were re-examined by his son .
27 Enormous political and scientific concern was stimulated by the realisation that such a decline had been predicted by Professor Bernard Ulrich of Gottingen University .
28 According to a study made in 1989 by Professor Klaus Tiedemann of Freiburg University , fraud accounts for an estimated 10% of the EC budget , or about £6 billion a year .
29 One of these prolonged studies was motivated by Professor J. W. Heslop Harrison .
30 So we should not be dogmatic , and assume that the kind of life we have on Earth is the only kind that could exist in the entire Universe ; and ‘ living ’ clays may flourish elsewhere , perhaps even on Mars ( as suggested by Professor Hyman Hartman of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology ) .
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