Example sentences of "[adj -est] [noun] be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The greatest freedom is to be responsible .
2 ‘ The finest views are from the bottom , and at some places a little above it , but few dare venture to the bottom particularly those females whose pedestrian excursions have chiefly been upon level ground ; nay the male sex are often appalled with a view of the way , and many a Bond-street gentleman , in his stable costume , would rather hazard his neck four-in-hand , than risk it by having his arms precariously supported by the twigs and branches he may find in his way to the gulph below . ’
3 He decided the wisest course was to pool all he had made over the last two years , enabling Julian to purchase the lease of a high street property .
4 The largest uptake is for the subjects in the Final section , which are common to the Pre-Associateship Route .
5 Fighter Command 's finest hour was of course the Battle of Britain , but this book gives the whole story of the men and the machines from its formation in 1936 until its absorption into Strike Command in 1968 .
6 Never hard , the greatest difficulty was in avoiding the results of clumsy ice technique .
7 But David Beaton 's greatest worry was for Hector .
8 The largest reduction was in the number of elderly casualties .
9 Note that the greatest losses are through roof and walls , so these are the major areas to deal with .
10 His greatest ambition was to be Chancellor of the Exchequer .
11 The greatest effect is in Indomalesia , where some 85 000 km 2 are thought to be lost each year .
12 It was n't much , and they would take it in their stride , no doubt , but apart from the fact these revenge raids certainly did upset his Tormentors a little , making life and their cruel purpose just that little bit less easy for them , the greatest effect was on him .
13 The clearest demonstration is on a big calyx-krater from Orvieto , by an artist known as the Niobid Painter after the picture on the back of this vase .
14 The new Braun 5100 Cafetière is to coffee what the world 's greatest orchestras are to a symphony by Mozart , Mendelssohn or Mahler .
15 The point seems to be that Macbeth 's greatest crime is in tampering with the future .
16 One of our longest contracts is at George Outram in Glasgow , publishers of the Glasgow Herald and Evening Times , where Mary Mulgrew is something of an institution .
17 On his brief visit to Cambodia he met Dith Pran for the first time , but his longest stretch was from the beginning of January 1975 until the fall of Phnom Penh in April of that year .
18 And are n't most mothers in the 90s planning to return to some form of work outside the home by the time their youngest child is at school full-time ?
19 The keenest battle was between brothers Colin and Owen Jelf … no brotherly love lost here .
20 At Cirencester a panel containing a sixteen-petalled rosette has a comparable central device , however , the strongest comparisons are to be made with both of the Leicester mosaics , where eight-petalled rosettes similar to those in the Gloucester pavement are placed at the centre of a kaleidoscopic geometric design ( pI .
21 ‘ One of my strongest memories is of my last match at Lord 's .
22 Alison was a little coy about how much her Russian dress cost , but , according to the staff at David Fielden , their cheapest frock is at least £1,000 .
23 Generation Ecologie 's strongest performance was in the Ile de France region where they won 10.69 per cent of the vote .
24 Strongest connections are with commercial stations but progress has been slowed due to the continuing uncertainty over franchises .
25 He says the stiffest competition is from Aix Les Bains in France , with it 's backdrop of mountains and lakes .
26 Statistically the strongest correlation was between understanding of the market and commercial success .
27 Our strongest drive is towards rediscovering our wholeness — and however much we try to ignore it , the impulse to grow will keep coming to the surface .
28 Overall the strongest correlations are with clarity of problem definition , clarity of problem understanding and completeness of information .
29 Although baptized and buried in Anglican churches , his strongest links were with the Abney Congregational church , which he had largely financed .
30 The strongest chapters are on Indonesia and the Philippines , with their extraordinary proliferation of élite units , whose title-changes over the years are clearly sorted out .
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