Example sentences of "they talk " in BNC.

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1 Encourage them to talk to you about any worries or problems they may have .
2 Jim did not seem to be there enough for them to talk it through and neither of them had any money .
3 I was trying to communicate between David and Tony , trying to get them to talk to each other , and as a result was going back and forth between the two of them which was a very frustrating experience , added to which I was tired from being on the road and I was very unhappy .
4 David Fullerton , of the Sierra Club , an environmental lobby group , says : ‘ They want to use new technology or more water while we want them to talk about the crops they 're growing . ’
5 These differences led to differing perceptions of their role by the two development officers — in Ipswich the development officer was a little unsure of how she was going to ‘ work in with the existing multi-disciplinary team ’ , whereas in Newham the development officer said she felt she was probably going to spend a good deal of her time negotiating between the different services and ‘ getting them to talk to each other ’ .
6 Nevertheless , without interfering , an adult who is obviously interested in what they are doing can encourage them to talk about the choices they are making regarding size , shape and texture .
7 Children can find out these differences and we might encourage them to talk about them by posing such questions as :
8 The doctors told them to talk to him as much as possible and to play tapes of his favourite music , but Ken Lomax did not respond to their long , rambling , one-way conversations or the endless repetitions of his favourite country and western music .
9 Many mothers of sons never see them to talk to on their own from the day they marry , because their daughters-in-law always expect to be present on every conceivable occasion , and this is something that can build up a very understandable resentment .
10 It may be easier for them to talk to a fellow inmate . ’
11 Through these activities the newly acquired language is transferred to the pupils ' own world and enables them to talk about their own experiences .
12 Discussion with practitioners can be focused by asking them to talk while performing and by jointly discussing performances observed on film or tape .
13 Now I 'm married I 've grown a little away from them , but I miss having them to talk to .
14 Let's go underground and see if we can get them to talk a bit more freely . "
15 You can focus your students on visual elements by getting them to talk about a number of aspects of a scene .
16 A very simple way of collecting examples of people talking is to sit them down in front of the camera and get them to talk to it .
17 How can we encourage them to talk and listen to each other ?
18 I haunted bars and lowish dives , entering into innocent-seeming conversations , turning them to talk of new arrivals , waiting for hints and rumours about Gharr .
19 Send one of them to talk to this chap Jordan — Fowler will do it very well ; he 'd have been more than a match for the Ancient Mariner .
20 Wycliffe wanted them to talk .
21 For ten days after that first sighting from the top of the Turkman Gate , I trawled the teeming alleys of Old Delhi , trying to identify the houses of the eunuchs and attempting to persuade one of them to talk to me .
22 Having a spill gives them a thrill , and it 's something for them to talk about afterwards . ’
23 He gave Kate and her companions a brooding , sarcastic look before turning away from them to talk at length with Mike and the mechanics .
24 Get them to talk , and if there is a hint of anything unusual report to me . ’
25 It is important that they slowly build up a historical vocabulary , and learn some of the technical terms that will allow them to talk about what they can see .
26 We have a responsibility not only to provide businesses with access to information , but also with structures that enable them to talk to each other and to trade with the residential community ; and ,
27 They had gone aft to leave them to talk to the steersman in private , but one of them , the cook presumably , had disappeared into the galley .
28 But I would like to say that this is very much , and I think Councillor knows that previous personnel committee , it 's all in the mind , we want former administration and one of the latest tests was the adoption of the National Disability Symbol and encourage them to talk about it .
29 Now the reason we 've asked them to talk to the government , government departments about this is to see what can be done .
30 Now we get to look at these every month , and I want them to keep them to talk to them , to classes about it every month , and so this one , alright it goes back about , but it does n't matter , because what it does , I hope any way , is gives us some thoughts .
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