Example sentences of "[pn reflx] [coord] [prep] those " in BNC.

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1 In a society where we spend so much money , time and effort in trying to attain immortality , by constantly eradicating the diseases from which a human being can die , it may be said that we find it more and more difficult to face mortality either in ourselves or in those close to us .
2 Our limited ambition can , therefore , only be to sustain a reasonable quality of life for ourselves and for those animals that serve us .
3 He wanted to know what had happened , wanted to understand the dynamics of the situation and to store it away as part of his constantly changing , growing understanding of himself and of those around him .
4 For example , the two competing public interests in employment cases are : ( a ) a person should be held to his promise ; and ( b ) every person should be free to exercise his skill and experience to the best advantage of himself and of those who may want to employ him ( see Lord Atkinson in Morris ( Herbert ) v Saxelby [ 1916 ] 1 AC 688 ) .
5 He is indeed more object than subject , both to himself and to those among whom he has arrived .
6 Partly it is a primary addictive disease of some family members who are addicted to " fixing " or " helping " other people regardless of the consequences to themselves or to those other people whom they seek to help .
7 In each case we may trace from them important effects on learning in schools today on the curriculum plans , on policy and programmes for teacher training and , most significant , on the attitudes of teachers themselves and of those who train them .
8 Yet it is arguable that it is the central question about any political system whether the decision making process , the institutions and the political culture which obtains , confer a sufficient degree of authority on the decisions themselves and upon those in power that those same institutions are still respected even if , in individual cases , the decisions themselves are not ; for lack of authority within a system and the respect this conveys can have catastrophic results .
9 You understand that it is a condition of us accepting your booking that you take out for yourself and for those for whom you book our recommended holiday insurance ( details on page 15 ) , or that you arrange a policy yourself giving comparable or better cover under all sections .
10 You must be responsible for a reasonable standard of behaviour by yourself and by those for whom you have booked .
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