Example sentences of "with sudden " in BNC.

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1 Sven Hjerson asked with sudden anxiety .
2 I used it for areas hard to reach with chisel and mallet , and expect that when carving delicate work it has the advantage of not disturbing the workpiece with sudden strikes .
3 In the settings of four aphoristic poems by Istvan Balint for soprano and 14 players — which Kurtag began in 1972 and recently revised — the outside influences declared themselves quite readily , whether they were from East European folk music or Webern : and in this performance , the soprano Adrienne Csengery and Sinfonietta excelled themselves with sudden flashes of colour and bursts of intense virtuosity .
4 Mad machines gibbered , cackled , screeched insanely and blasted each other with sudden bursts of machine gun fire .
5 He had become an Untouchable , Trent thought with sudden bitterness as he glanced up to catch a look , almost of horror , on Mariana 's face .
6 I 've got them ! he thought with sudden joyousness .
7 Just as though I were a bit daft , Isobel thought with sudden resentment .
8 ‘ If I 've run after you , ’ said Ludens with sudden emotion , ‘ it 's not just for that , it 's because — ’ Words failed him .
9 The big man snorted with sudden laughter .
10 ‘ Do n't tell them anything about this , ’ begged Miss Watson , with sudden agitation .
11 Old lady , thought Winnie , with sudden shock !
12 ‘ Golly , it sounds like — like — ’ Cheryl 's cheeks pinked with sudden excitement — ‘ like a horse ! ’
13 Could we have possibly caught the leader , leaving the shoal bewildered and with sudden loss of appetite ?
14 Carew flushed with sudden anger .
15 Some prey species such as the oryx ( opposite , top ) , rely on simple , powerful galloping to escape their pursuers , but others , such as the impala ( below ) , employ a more confusing , zigzag escape route , with sudden directional changes making it difficult for the pursuing attacker to strike .
16 The combination of acute pain with sudden hostility produces a harsher version of the usual cry of pain — more of a screech than a scream .
17 Then , under the steady stare of the eyes , she said with sudden despair , ‘ I would share him . ’
18 Tobie resumed with sudden asperity .
19 She wriggled with sudden embarrassment .
20 ‘ Now what ? ’ he asked , looking round with sudden apprehension , but no one else was about .
21 Then , with sudden commitment , she grabbed it , but the handle did n't budge .
22 Everything seemed ideal for his attempt , and with sudden resolution he hauled himself up on to the shelf above the door and manoeuvred around gingerly until he was able to stand up .
23 Ho 's voice was as sharp as Tina 's as , with sudden determination , he began to slither down the cold , wet , acrid-smelling earth .
24 With sudden inspiration she tore off another rag of petticoat and tied it back .
25 Dalgliesh took the baby from her while Theresa helped the children into the Jaguar and commanded with sudden fierceness , ‘ Sit still . ’
26 The undergravel filter can deal with sudden jumps in organic load , like overfeeding .
27 Their turnover rate is somewhat slower than undergravels and what could be worrying about them is their ability to deal with sudden surges in load .
28 A prescription for ‘ coping with sudden severe hearing loss ’ by Dr Colin Green :
29 Perhaps she sometimes did , she replied — with sudden sideways glances — but she was far from being housebound .
30 The Waterdance , which charts the struggles of a novelist trying to come to terms with sudden paralysis , also drew great praise .
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