Example sentences of "you later " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Catch ya later . ’
2 He slapped startled dignitaries on the back with a cheery ‘ How ya doin' , man ? ’ and informed the vice-chancellor : ‘ See ya later , mate . ’
3 See ya later .
4 See ya later .
5 You can thank 'im yourselves when 'e calls on ye later ! ’
6 If you 've got some new material on him that you want to share with us , I 'm more than happy to arrange another lecture for you later in the term , but frankly , as you 've apparently given the same lecture on him for the past ten years , I can hardly be accused of interfering with academic freedom , can I ? ’
7 ‘ I 'll tell you later . ’
8 Catch you later . ’
9 Maggie said , ‘ See you later , Simon .
10 See you later , Luke , ’ and set off .
11 ‘ I 'll listen to Alastair Cook and join you later , ’ Harry told us in the morning , obviously intent on his Sunday ritual .
12 ‘ OK , Boyo , see you later , ’ Taff replied .
13 ‘ See you later , Boyo , ’ he shouted after me as I set off , rifle over my shoulder , through the trees in the direction of Brigade H.Q
14 ‘ See you later , ’ she said to Philip 's Mum and went out .
15 ‘ See you later . ’
16 ‘ I 'll deal with you later , ’ Otley muttered at me .
17 We shall show you later how to choose suitable goals .
18 It was in Lucerne that you conducted what were by all accounts electrifying performances of the Honegger Symphonie liturgique , which you later recorded for Deutsche Grammophon .
19 We 'll get back to you later .
20 ‘ You subjected her to the sight of yourself indecently exposing yourself by way of a prelude to what you later did , ’ added the judge .
21 I 'll see you later . ’
22 ‘ I 'll see you later , ’ Tom said to Cyril .
23 ‘ See you later , I hope , ’ he said unctuously to Robyn , as he closed the door .
24 ‘ I 'll talk to you later , ’ said Brian Everthorpe huffily .
25 After a moment 's hesitation I blurted out , ‘ Tell you later . ’
26 ‘ See you later , Maisie ! ’ said Henry .
27 Catch up with you later . ’
28 See you later when you pass . ’
29 If you later disagree with the company about what was said at the time , having your own record could prove invaluable .
30 See you later . ’
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