Example sentences of "[adj -er] [noun sg] of [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 At the lower level of sounds , there is little difference between humans , dogs and cats — this is not where it counts , if you are a hunter of small rodents and birds .
2 The lower level of wives ' earnings is accounted for , in one sense , by women 's lower hours of work and lower rates of pay per hour .
3 The 30-nation talks in Geneva failed to bridge the gap between countries such as Germany and the Nordic states , which are seeking a 79 per cent cut in emissions by the end of the decade , and those like the UK and France which want a lower level of cuts over a longer period .
4 It quickly became apparent after the offer had closed that the take-up rate was just 38% — ‘ a lower level of acceptances than we had anticipated ’ and enough for newspapers to call the issue a flop .
5 They have a lower level of seats , like the new East Stand , but instead of an upper level of seats they have executive boxes for the assorted reptilia who frequent such places .
6 Well I mo moved because promotion was in the line for me , I was in the Royal Marine Police in island depot in Plymouth and er I 'd been put on plain clothes work and I 'd been doing acting sergeant you know when the sergeant was off sick and all that business and er I 'd put , been put in for this to move because we had a two bedroom bungalow but the twins were getting big and I realized that we 'd have to have another bedroom you know , very soon and er , this seemed an opportunity to get a house and also in Plymouth , that Plymouth was a naval town , you see , there was still those days there was still kind of a , a lower deck of sons , what they call lower deckers , in other words you know people in the lower deck of the navy , their sons did n't really have much , ever have much chance of getting into places like Dartmouth College or Cramwell to do as cadets , well the headmaster at Regent Street School had said to me that Keith was very keen on flying , he was aeroplane mad you see , and , he wanted to go in the Royal Air Force , well he said to me he said oh no put him in the Navy and as a chief art as an artificer , so I said oh no , I said if he goes in the Navy or the service I want him to go in the front door not like me the back door , I had ambition for him
7 The aim of this study was , first , to measure the pH profile in the lower oesophagus of patients with Barrett 's oesophagus and by simultaneous ambulatory oesophageal and gastric pH monitoring , to correlate any alterations with changes in gastric pH .
8 The finding of a greater degree of alkaline exposure in the lower oesophagus of patients with complications of their Barrett 's oesophagus distinguishes them from those without complications and poses the question as to the origin of this distinction .
9 The main habitat of E. coli , the lower intestine of mammals , is very stable .
10 However , when he poses the question of whether his method could work as well for the class struggle as for the boxing match , Sartre admits that he finds it impossible to answer and returns instead to the much easier case of sub-groups .
11 The prices of another , broader category of goods began to rise faster than the general price level and attracted enormous sums of speculative funds .
12 These three hours of teaching are in turn supplemented by a further hour of lectures on the history of the Graeco-Roman world in New Testament times , on the theology of the New Testament , and on questions of date , authorship and purpose of the individual books of the New Testament .
13 These trends have to be placed within the broader framework of changes in the total labour force .
14 The main difference , in principle , is that the version of world-system theory addressed concentrates on structural change in terms of technical innovation and the division of labour , whereas the regulationist school locates those aspects in the broader framework of changes in the structure of industrial relations , the state 's economic policy , the financial structures and the concentration of industry .
15 Further preparation of collections of calcareous and phosphatic shelly Cambrian fossils may well produce dividends , and such disarticulated remains that are etched out of the rock should be held up against articulated scleritomes , either actual or hypothesized .
16 He went on to threaten to give details to the media , backed by further contamination of items of food throughout the country , the court was told .
17 One of the rooms , the Osiris chapel , leads through to a further suite of rooms , dedicated to the Osirian cult .
18 There has been a move away from the narrow field of Production Engineering into the broader field of Operations Management … .
19 Whether a further wave of takeovers in the brewing industry would benefit consumers is open to debate .
20 A further wave of strikes caused similar disruption on Feb. 6 .
21 The " new nurse " would have a higher and broader level of competencies , expected to make and be fully accountable for all decisions regarding the care given to patients .
22 A further component of paradigms consists of some very general , metaphysical principles that guide work within a paradigm .
23 It also recognizes that occasionally the ruling class is forced into a tactical retreat by organized subordinate groups , and the resulting shifts in criminal law enshrine a broader spectrum of interests .
24 This hands-on experience helped Lorne talk his way into a production assistant 's job at the BBC in London , where he was exposed to the broader spectrum of skills required to get a film on the air .
25 His object was to persuade Edouard — not persuade , he kept reminding himself , tell ! who was the baron de Chavigny after all ? — to invest in further acreage of vineyards in Algeria as well as timber and olive plantations there .
26 The distinction made so far between primary and secondary sources can be rendered even more useful if we adopt a further division of documents between what John Madge , after Gottschalk , called ‘ records ’ and ‘ reports ’ .
27 One of the major anxieties about the new NHS and Community Care Act is the further fragmentation of services , with health services even more isolated and hospital-bound , yet still consuming massive resources .
28 Natwest Bancorp said there had been a further reduction of charge-offs with its allowance for loan losses standing at $568m , or 4.68 p.c. of total lending .
29 A good deal of money and effort is therefore going into study of the human factor , which should ultimately lead to further reduction of accidents and risk .
30 Tourist offices will be open seven days a week ; signposting is to be improved for visitors who do not know an alpha from an omega ; there will be tougher inspection of hotels and boarding houses .
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