Example sentences of "[adj -er] if she [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 Would it have been easier if she had n't seen Lucy almost every day for four years going into or out of the office next door ?
2 As she put away the cutlery and was so sorry for herself , she found it made things easier if she dramatised them .
3 Her mother would have been happier if she had seen her walking or going off swimming , but after all , she was resting and that 's what she had brought her here for , and perhaps she was turning things over in her mind .
4 Ms Streisand , in the same paper , claimed that the press would be happier if she spent her free time shopping , and pointed out , quite fairly , that she and the others at the correspondents ' dinner had been invited there .
5 I thought it might be better if she went there — she 's from Tallahassee , as you no doubt know — rather than myself , since there 's an unfortunate history of litigation and unpleasantness between the Seal Court family and the Norfolk one .
6 And she said , oh she 'd be , she 'd be far better if she went to see and explained it all .
7 I also told here it 's the diamond jubilee of the hospital and the children from invited to the hospital that day , that week sorry , it 's gon na be a week in June so she wanted to know the details so I asked Mrs t would she write to Miss White and give her all the details but she thought it would be far better if she went to see her and explain it all .
8 She 'd just feel better if she went out .
9 It would have been better if she had kept a low profile . ’
10 It would be better if she had died . ’
11 It would have been better if she had never come here to Spain .
12 ‘ He would n't mind going with you to the concert , ’ she said , thinking that she could have phrased that better if she 'd had more notice .
13 Though so much the better if she did .
14 I mean it would be worse if she had been — hurt — first . ’
15 She found it only made things worse if she struggled , bringing her even more intimately against his muscular shape .
16 But 5 year old Amy Harding would have found the trauma of having a surgical collar even worse if she 'd had to make the long trip to Gloucester .
17 She paused for a moment before pointedly adding , ‘ As to your other point , I must confess I think it would be worse if she ended up like you . ’
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