Example sentences of "[adj -er] of me [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Surely he deserves better of me than to gaze at him with my policeman 's eyes .
2 In the past two weeks he has had to scrummage against Scotland 's World Cup looseheads , David Sole and David Milne : ‘ They certainly got the better of me but I like to think that I am learning all the time and that that will lead to my improvement ’ .
3 Nerves got the better of me and only when Les Cox stopped me to go for another take did I realise I 'd got my letters mixed up and had inadvertently said : ‘ Will you switch these sans off please ?
4 But after a bit my curiosity got the better of me and I spread my fingers slowly to peep through .
5 A few minutes later , when Nelly was preoccupied , I 'm sorry to say my cowardice got the better of me and I crept out of the room , down the stairs and ran off home .
6 For the first time ever , my pride got the better of me and I desperately looked round for some means of defending myself .
7 Fortunately , as it turned out , shyness got the better of me and I stayed put .
8 I 'm afraid curiosity got the better of me and now I have broken your mood .
9 My father told me one evening that neither he nor my mother would think the worse of me if I did not go .
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