Example sentences of "[adj -er] than she had " in BNC.

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1 At first they seemed brighter , smaller and cruder than she had been led to expect by the polite reproductions .
2 It was easier than she had anticipated .
3 In the end , it was much easier than she had thought to push the silver door open by a few inches and to stand listening , trying to see , trying to hear , trying to feel the lingering dark presence .
4 For the most part it had been easier than she had expected .
5 James was much shorter than she had imagined , with thinning , poker-straight brown hair and a paunch .
6 She was polite , but no friendlier than she had to be ; she looked at Gillian 's jeans with disapproval but without comment .
7 Looking round its walls , Breeze realized that the sea must be nearer than she had thought , for there were so many little tablets to people who had been drowned off this coast .
8 Wheeler was paler , tenser than she had seen him before , his hands trembling .
9 The very sky smelt of frost though a sun bigger than she had ever seen on Mars still shone remote between gold-fringed clouds .
10 She was now 15lb ( 7kg ) heavier than she had been in her single days ; she felt tired and run down , and suffered with migraines , abdominal bloating and increasing premenstrual symptoms including irritability , nervous tension , depression , tearfulness , confusion , weight gain , sore breasts and insomnia .
11 They were younger than she had expected and seemed shy and reticent , emphasising frequently , all the way up the stairs , that they wanted only a bolt-hole and must not be thought of as real boarders .
12 This man , whose name was so familiar to her , whose company 's recent comings and goings on the stock-market had been so well chronicled , and of some special interest to her , was a great deal younger than she had expected .
13 The woman was younger than she had supposed , although it was difficult to judge her age at all precisely .
14 He was younger than she had supposed from Jenny 's description — in his early thirties , and as good-looking as she had expected .
15 Robyn arrived at Luke 's later than she had expected — far later — flustered and hot from busy traffic and wrongly taken turns , tense as the prospect of seeing Luke again became reality .
16 She left a little while later , happier than she had been for a long time .
17 All the family thought that in spite of Maureen 's arduous lifestyle , she looked better and happier than she had for several years .
18 His crooked smile was very much in evidence and Matey could have told her that since her arrival Dr Neil had been happier than she had seen him for a long time — there had been fewer backslidings towards the ‘ nasty whisky ’ since McAllister had appeared in his life to provide him with such rich amusement .
19 There was no getting away from the fact that sometimes being with Miguel made Shelley feel happier than she had ever been in her life .
20 His wise brow in life was shallower than she had moulded , and she levelled the clay with her new wisdom .
21 Judi looked better than she had in the morgue .
22 At York , she had ridden no better than she had ever ridden before .
23 Life , for the short space of a few weeks , was better than she had ever known it .
24 She felt better than she had for months .
25 Flying was even better than she had hoped : better than skiing , better than driving a sports car .
26 She had already told Glyn that she would never be anything but a friend to him and he had taken it better than she had thought he would .
27 This was better than she had hoped for !
28 He was much closer than she had anticipated and his arms came round her from behind , circling her waist and pulling her back against him .
29 He was closer than she had expected .
30 A little startled , she looked up , and was more startled because Ven was much closer than she had thought , and she found she was staring straight into a pair of inscrutable and penetrating dark eyes .
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