Example sentences of "[adj -er] than they have " in BNC.

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1 My legs were steadier than they had been the night before but they still dithered weakly .
2 Some of Britain 's rivers are now cleaner than they 've been for years .
3 Certainly Churchill and Eden found that their dealings with Eisenhower and Dulles were no easier than they had been with the Democrats : in fact they often thought them worse .
4 Although I recognise that for obvious reasons the Secretary of State will not want to be locked or painted into a figure of 512 as the maximum , which is what it would be , will he tell the House whether , in the light of last week 's discussions with President Yeltsin and the changes that have taken place since Christmas , the Government are now considering the minimum deterrent to be somewhat lower than they had previously considered it necessary to be ?
5 Also , although there were marked fluctuations in the number of admissions from year to year , it is clear that from about 1490 the numbers of those admitted at York were consistently lower than they had been from the mid 1380s to the 1440s .
6 It 's a complete turnaround from last year when reserves were lower than they had ever been recorded , standpipes were in the streets , and some rivers had run dry , notably at Bourton on the Water .
7 He said the miners were being asked to accept wages that were even lower than they 'd been before the war and that their working conditions were appalling .
8 ‘ Present values are lower than they have been for some time , and are sticking .
9 We 've heard in introduction Mr Mr say that the County Council would not like to see housing requirements any lower than they have proposed .
10 Also , the stage was bigger than they 'd first thought .
11 The cordoned area was much bigger than they had realised , for several square yards of the level ground on top had subsided into ominous , shallow holes , here and there breaking the turf , and the slope down to the river path , once dropping gradually a matter of fifteen feet or so , now sagged in red rolls of soil and grass .
12 The views of the CBI could scarcely be clearer than they have been on the subject of the minimum wage .
13 Some days Ariel carried the hooped Sycorax on her back ( she would not ride on anyone else ) down to the shore and into the water , and held her up under the arms so that she could let her contorted frame float free ; small currents spun in the water as if to ease her , and the sky 's blue height seemed to catch them up into its soft vastness and give them fins and wings to fly and swoop , so that they both felt airier and brighter than they had since their freedom had come to an end , and the memory of their former peace returned for a space .
14 FARM policy reforms agreed by EC members leave farming industry prospects brighter than they have been for years , Agriculture Minister John Gummer told the Commons last night .
15 In consequence the Crown estates were by the time of his death probably larger than they had ever been before .
16 In the bathroom he peered in the mirror at the creases on his forehead ; surely they were deeper than they had been yesterday .
17 Through the gardens towards the house came Mr Craven , looking happier than they had ever seen him .
18 Are you optimistic that erm people will perceive the services under this budget as better than they 've had last year , or worse ?
19 Dealers generally found trading better than they had expected — or feared — and reported that French clients , notoriously sensitive to political events , had been reassured by the right wing 's win in the General Election and the appointment of Prime Minister Edouard Balladur 's new Government .
20 The cumulative effect was that by Anne 's reign relations between Dissenters and Anglicans in many communities were no better than they had been in the 1680s .
21 NEIL Kinnock and the party he leads are looking better than they have done at any time since he took office in 1983 .
22 Thankfully the restorers have been in a position to obtain help from local industry and many items came cheaper than they had originally anticipated .
23 My hon. Friend will note that German interest rates and ours are closer than they have been for a long time .
24 In addition their father had told them that he wanted to speak to them in his study afterwards , and although he had given no indication what chastisement he planned , they knew from the severity of his expression that he was angrier than they had ever seen him before .
25 Her nights were calmer than they had been .
26 She realized she was down from the morph-plus , and that her senses were sharper than they had ever been before .
27 Wycliffe stayed chatting until after midnight and had to drive back in conditions which were , if anything , worse than they had been earlier .
28 This was worse than they had thought .
29 Dr Reid said : ‘ I think what the children have suffered since social workers took them into care in November 1990 has been a lot worse than they had from their father . ’
30 Having observed them give their evidence I am satisfied that they are not in any way seeking to deceive the court or to persuade the court that Mr. Winterbone was better or worse than they have said that he was .
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