Example sentences of "[Wh pn] was [verb] [that] " in BNC.

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1 The Spanish State also had its concerns : as it was investing so much in the collection , who was to say that the Baron had perfect title to all the works ?
2 After all , it was maintained , who was to say that the Dunstaple treatment was not just beginning to work each time as McNab began to apply his treatment ?
3 Part of their mission was to mobilize popular support for Franco , but who was to say that Falangist purists might not mobilize it against him ?
4 Already involved with her longstanding boyfriend Neil Turley , Jenny declined his advances , but undaunted , fearless Frank phoned her on a regular basis and left messages with her unsuspecting boyfriend , a West Ham fan who was flattered that the team 's top scorer was training so late at night .
5 The writer , who was troubled that the Lake District was losing its local population , put her case as follows :
6 The house was full of trend-spotters , from gossip columnist Ivan Warner and irritable feminist Kate Armstrong to Treasury adviser Philip , worried about pension projections in an increasingly elderly society : from information vendor Charles Headleand to epidemiologist Ted Stennett , across whose horizon the science-fiction disease of AIDS was already casting a faint red ominous glow : from forensic psychiatrist Edgar Lintot ( who had not yet heard of AIDS , but who had heard rumours about changing views in high places on the sentencing of the criminally insane ) to Alix Bowen , worried on a mundane level about the future funding of her own job and on a less selfish level about the implications for the rehabilitation of female offenders of cuts in that funding : from theatre director Alison Peacock , anxious about her Arts Council subsidy , to Representative Public Figure , Sir Anthony Bland , the aptly named Chairman ( or so Ivan alleged ) of the Royal Commission on Royal Commissions , who was thinking that for various reasons he might have to resign , and from more bodies than one , before the jostling and the hinting pushed him into an undignified retreat .
7 On Sunday , after leaving my suitcase with the hall porter who was to see that it was in the Land Rover to meet me after the shooting , I enjoyed brunch in the Gleneagles restaurant sitting at the same table as the Princess Royal .
8 Certainly to respond to the gentleman who was suggesting that there 's no difference between us as adults and children , certainly there is the child in all adults erm that does respond , perhaps , in a childish way at times , but I would suggest that as adults we hopefully have gotten to a place in ourselves which we are not so much at the mercy of our immediate wishes and wants and feelings that we are able to be more measured in the way that we handle ourselves and our feelings , and therefore in a position to help our children to develop that capacity within themselves as they are growing up erm and erm I 've forgotten the other point I was going to make just following on from what Elizabeth there in the studio was saying .
9 It is a blow to the American who was hoping that yesterday 's inquiry would give him the chance to press for an amendment to the existing whip rules .
10 I had a husband who was pretending that I did not have cancer , and a mother who tried to inspire me by showing me pictures of Page Three girls under banner headlines of ‘ How I conquered cancer ’ .
11 It was made clear to a friend of mine who was dying that he was not wanted on the ward , not through words but by the minimum care he was given after an unsuccessful operation and the refusal of any doctor to speak to him .
12 She was followed five minutes later by an angry Carole , suitcase in hand , who was to find that she was unable to quit the hotel until midnight .
13 ‘ No doubt , ’ murmured Dr Neil , who was finding that this interchange , far from dowsing lust , was fuelling it , so that he had a terrible desire to fall on his knees before his skivvy , crying , ‘ Be mine , McAllister , be mine , immediately , ’ like a hero , or perhaps a villain , in a stage melodrama .
14 Can the Prime Minister tell the House how he squares his vision of a classless Britain with the experience of a constituent of mine from Fulwood , who was told last May that she needed a hip replacement but that she would have to wait 14 months for the operation under the national health service , and who was told that she could have had the operation immediately had she been able to cough up £4,300 ?
15 Power seemed to be moving towards Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani who was arguing that his country needed to mend bridges with the rest of the world in order to rebuild Iran , following the end of the long war with Iraq .
16 Just on one of the points er made by Professor Lock erm who was arguing that it it basically was n't possible to include an agricultural land quality criterion er in the exceptions policy because there was so much good land in North Yorkshire .
17 For those of us who ca n't make Goodison I think R5 has full commentary on the match … infact they interviewed Wilko last night who was saying that he had n't thought about whether or not anyone could catch Scum , but he was only interested in how many points we could get ‘ it 's like the Grand National ’ , he said , ‘ plenty of favourites fall the seconf time round ’ .
18 It 's interesting , you 're talking about our first caller who was saying that there was just too much television coverage
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