Example sentences of "[Wh pn] would [verb] at " in BNC.

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1 After the war the number of readers who would laugh at pictures of seasick passengers , or bosuns getting the better of the second mate , diminished rapidly .
2 And the Cid sent for all his friends and his kinsmen and vassals , and told them how King Don Alfonso had banished him from the land , and asked for them who would follow him into banishment , and who would remain at home .
3 She was a fine preacher , riot in a declamatory style , but " the kind who would shine at retreats , and extremely well read " .
4 In addition , Minton 's intermittently hysterical behaviour and desire to shock brought out in Ricky the exhibitionist who would undress at parties and was game for any prank .
5 In arranging the facility the company would appoint a lead manager who would undertake at least to :
6 Just for a few seconds she 'd fallen for the powerful aphrodisiac of music , her senses sharpened by aquavit and the potent charisma of a man who would stop at nothing to achieve his desired ends !
7 Luke Calder was a coolly calculating , ruthless man who would stop at nothing to get where or what he wanted .
8 Which one was the real Luke Calder : the hard , tough businessman who would stop at nothing and spare no one to get what he wanted , or that tender stranger she 'd just had a glimpse of ?
9 Today he describes the always dapper figure in the Burberry raincoat ( over sharply pressed grey trousers and a tweed sports jacket ) who would come at ten o'clock in the morning for his chats .
10 The short list included Professor Jim Jeffery , a long-standing combatant with the CEGB on economics , and Dr Janet Rowe , a well-known adviser on ecology , who would look at the effect of the development on its immediate environment .
11 Assessment , however , would be carried out by an external assessor who would look at testimonies from the line manager and company director , and a portfolio of documentary evidence and reports .
12 And and who would play at these dances ?
13 Afterwards a buffet lunch will be available for any who would like at The Forbury , Leominster-prepared by Amy Ormond ( Wootten 1943 ) — and in the afternoon at The Forbury Vicky Archard ( Lloyd 1966 ) , member and past president of the Hereford and Mid-Wales Philatelic Society will give a talk and display on a philatelic theme .
14 There was a large , two-storey garage that when adapted would house a couple of students who would wait at table , and Nigel and I would cook .
15 My present house model leaves at the end of the month and there are plenty of girls who would jump at the chance . ’
16 There were several youngsters in the chorus playing understudies who would jump at the chance of having a stab at Sonja .
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