Example sentences of "[Wh pn] do [adv] want " in BNC.

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1 I am sorry to be awkward , but I think you will see that these questions must be answered and if we are going to take extreme positions then we would have to do double the home work that the people do who do n't want to .
2 But the Oxford guest said , ‘ You 'd think with all this unemployment … there seem to be an extraordinary number of people around who do n't want to work . ’
3 Never mind if there are a few who do n't want to work .
4 Consumers will be able to put their names on a register of people who do n't want to receive sales calls .
5 But there is one big difference — excluding supervisors , it is manned by people who do n't want to be there .
6 There are those of us who do n't want to be tough , who think that tough leads to murder .
7 A London elocution teacher , Edwina Pickett ( inundated with demands for lessons ) , adds , ‘ I get girls who want to marry well , who do n't want to marry a lorry driver . ’
8 Maybe so , but hands up those under 12 who do n't want to see it again .
9 Let us strive for relationships that are mutual and be careful not to impose ourselves on people who do n't want or need us .
10 For those who do n't want to cook for themselves , the bar serves snacks .
11 Will the next thing be abortions for people who do n't want them , and forced sterilization for them afterwards , and … ’ ‘ … you and all your fancy long words .
12 ‘ Oh yeah , ’ Joe laughs , ‘ but there are students that come in who do n't want to learn lead — they want to learn chords and rhythm .
13 There 's always a hearty soup , such as garlic and cannelli bean or roast pepper and tomato , and plenty of fashionable rabbit food for those who do n't want to fall asleep straight after eating .
14 The only people who do n't want that are the criminals who are the curse of Britain today .
15 ‘ Parents who do n't want their kids taught about homosexuality in the first grade are not bigots .
16 For those who do n't want to eat meat , there is Rose Elliot 's VEGETARIAN CHRISTMAS ( HarperCollins , £14.99 ) .
17 I 've got 20 players fighting for a place and 11 who do n't want to give up the shirt .
18 Then there is the inertia factor of the private shareholders who do n't want to rock the boat at all . ’
19 Basically it 's the Jaws syndrome — there are people who do n't want to admit there 's shit happening in the water . ’
20 There is a loan note alternative for those who do n't want the cash .
21 For people who do n't want to do the pools ; they only want to win them .
22 ‘ There are some people who do n't want their work shown in certain states , ’ he explains .
23 The Student System II Developing Tank , from the Paterson Photax Group , is an entry level tank aimed at those who are starting out in darkroom work and who do n't want to spend a fortune on equipment .
24 Hurwitz says they need to go public to sell their products to large corporations who do n't want to mess with a small privately held firm .
25 Money Smith is ideal for those who want more than cheque book program but who do n't want to foot the bill for a multi-module accounting system .
26 Unfortunately with got to get some of those people who do n't want to come and it 's all about bums on seats it 's the old old saying bums on seats we 've got to get an answer how we do n't get to these here at the moment in the audience whether they are people who want to get bums on seats or how they know how to do it perhaps they should have a meeting like this every month I 've never seen so many of .
27 I HAVE listened with great interest to those voices who do n't want the ‘ South African tour rebels ' ’ ban to be lifted , and it is clear to me that many of them are not expressing these views out of a sense of justice or respect for the millions of blacks still suffering in South Africa .
28 For those who do n't want to waste a minute , there are even flights from all over the UK to nearby Gatwick Airport .
29 The ‘ Decade of Evangelism ’ may do something to refresh the parts other influences ca n't reach , but even this new drive has critics among those who do n't want the Church to become a ‘ holy disco . ’
30 There are equally substantial elements who do n't want to help and there are other elements who are unsure and who are looking for excuses not to help .
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