Example sentences of "[Wh pn] i [vb past] in " in BNC.

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1 ' ’ The beautiful lady whom I drove in my car ?
2 There were many others , not mathematicians or academic linguists , whose function I did not know ( and not all of whom I met in what was by then a large organisation ) , who became celebrated in later life .
3 ‘ During the critical 48 hours which preceded 11 a.m. on 3 September 1939 , ’ wrote Joyce , ‘ not one of the people whom I met in Berlin could conceive that Britain would go to war with Germany .
4 The businesses are village based , and guided by a few extraordinary enablers , one of whom I met in Aspen .
5 There was also no lack of contacts , who , starved of literature , were exhilarated to be able to talk about Eliot : a Captain Richardson , whom I met in Eritrea , engaged to a charming Italian , proved one of those contacts whom the war brought together and separated , reminding me in some ways of the young Eliot and Jean Verdenal .
6 If I had to nominate those politicians whose views I most trusted , who have most clearly articulated my own fluid , contingent thoughts on the crisis as it developed , I would opt for two pensionable septuagenarians , both of whom I despised in their political heyday : Denis Healey , who sold the Labour government to the IMF , and Ted Heath , who became the Tories ' lamest duck of all .
7 I was chased mercilessly about the streets by my campaign assistant , Simon Heffer , who is now the chief leader-writer of the Daily Telegraph but whom I knew in those days as a fellow ( but younger ) old boy from Chelmsford .
8 I did not find that any of the people to whom I talked in Delhi , either formally or informally , took that view .
9 The young research scientist with whom I chatted in a Bonn café was not worried about nationalism .
10 The same applied to a Polish officer , one of the most cultivated men I have ever met , whom I encountered in Khartoum .
11 They also have a young and go-ahead American managing director in Mr Robert Riley , who I met in the autumn .
12 Well I 'm looking for a very good friend of mine er who I served in the army with called Tony .
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